
6v6 Reimagined

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Work in progress
I've remade 6v6 but with some significant changes

Design philosophy:

  • On average every character should have a 50/50 chance of winning a duel with any other character
  • Make roles playstyle choices, rather than necessary team comps, though still benefitting from using every role: * Tanks are heavy frontliners that have shorter range, more defences * Bring back support utilities that aren't just healers

Tanks have ~350-500 hp

Orisa has 2 charges of javelin throw

Do ~85% original damage

Sombra & Mei are being reworked into supports (Torbjorn and Symmetra to follow)

Sombra can hack allies for 75 overshield, attack and movement speed boost for 3 seconds
Virus does 2x damage to barriers and disables HUD on enemies for 3 seconds.

Mei's primary fire freezes enemies, gives 50 overshield for 2 seconds to allies. Damage reduced to 65%, ammo reduced to 101 and HP to 250.

Symmetra's beam does 1.2x damage to barriers

Single target healing reduced to 80%, AoE healing generally reduced to 50%

Brigitte's inspire and repair packs provide no healing, instead packs give 25 armor, recharge rate for packs increased to 125% shield bash stuns

Baptiste's aoe heal does 50% healing, regeneration is disabled

Illari's turret healing reduced to 75%

Changes I am trying to work out still
Moving characters into correct role
Tidy up Mei's overhealth buff to apply more reliably
Brig's mace swing increases recharge of her armor packs
Give Symmetra a shield generator and a free place teleporter ult (I wanted to bring back the moving barrier but I don't think I can), making Symmetra a team mobility support.
Torb turret doing increased damage to barriers, give Torb a team buff
Replace Baptiste's regen with a team jump buff
Make Sombra's enemy hack only hack constructs & Bob
Remove role passives
Add a global passive that gives CC immunity after being CC'd for 1 second

I've only been able to rustle up a couple of friends, so mostly played with bots, so I need more player feedback and testing

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