
Zombies VS Humans (mokby's version) by Mokby#2568

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If you've ever scrolled through the custom game browser, chances are you've seen the Zombies vs humans gamemode by Whiteduck. I also have, and I really liked that mode, there was just something very fun about one-tapping other players on McCree while they could only melee me. But that's where there was also a problem for me: playing as a zombie just wasn't very fun. Wich is why I made this mode. Even though the humans also got a lot of new tech, mutated zombies in this mode can be very dangerous and can do a lot on their own when played well.

Now, I wouldn't be suprised if you, the reader, are a bit confused as to what new tech for the humans I am referring to, or what mutated zombies are, or what is even going on at all. So let me explain:
The goal of the game is for the humans to reach 60 kills within 20 minutes, while the zombies must try to infect all the survivors before the humans reach their goal. When the 20 minutes are over, the zombies will also win, but this will practicly never happen I don't think. At the start of each match, each player is given 15 seconds to position themselves, and after these 15 seconds are over, a certain amount on players (based on how many there are at the moment) will be instantly converted into a zombie.

So that's the basics of the game, now let me explain some of the new mechanics I've adden:
All the humans will be affected by damage falloff (except for widowmaker). This damage falloff will half any damage the humans deal to zombies that are 17.5 meters away from them. However, the humans have received another new mechanic to help them combat close range targets. These mechanics are stronger melees (all of the humans deal ~~73 damage per melee) and that whenever you get a final blow using melee you receive a full heal.
The zombies also have new mechanics, mainly mutating. Whenever you die as a zombie, the chance to mutate grows larger. Whenever you get a final blow, the chance grows smaller again. Also, whenever the humans get close to winning the game, a single new mutation unlocks for zombies who have a very high amount of mutation chance, the fearfull mecha-zombie (basically mutations are stronger zombies). Also, all zombies still receive healing when getting a melee kill or when holding crouch (except for the mecha-zombie), and by holding interact (F) while crouching for 1.5 seconds a zombie can create a spawnpoint, wich he will get tp'ed to when he dies, after wich his spawnpoint will reset so he has to make a new one.

So that's basicaly it. I'm too lazy to create a reddit post or discord right now. Also, new hero reworks and heroes are planned :) .Have fun.

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