Simple 1vs1 mod to play with ur friend or someone else, while waiting for someone to join the party a bot will help you warm up.
To start the bot you need to kill him and if someone joins you the bot will leave on its own.
- 1VS1
- 12 spectators
- Deathmatch
- No hs only

- You cant hold right click (secondary fire) more than 2s
- When you kill you get your life back
- 2 TP
- 1 Bumper
- Top left of your screen a green timer warns you(30s), the bot will be tp in the sky
- Multiple patern of attack and grappling hook
- Fast respawn(bot only)
- Hello ^^ (reply)
Despite some tp to unblock the bot, sometimes it stays stuck to a wall, so you just have to move or wait for the 30s.
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