
Hamster Soccer by MoDeMaKeR#1578

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

'Hamster soccer' is a mode of putting a ball into the opponent's goal.
Each team can play up to 4 players.


Victory : Three times in the opponent's goal wins.

Kick or Pass a ball : Hit the ball and move it in the viewing direction.

Stamina Acquisition : Hit the ball to get the stamina.

Using Skills : Press the Interaction (F) key to enable, Stamina reduction.

Tackle (Skill #1) : knock down the enemy in front of you.

Change Hero] : Change every time a goal is scored.

Team Change : Change after round end (one team scored 3 goals)

Ceremony : Showing the player who scored the goal.

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