
zm - Zombie Mode loosely inspired by CS by (^-^)#1426

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zm - Zombie Mode

(Scroll down past the General Features for the Hero Changes)

This game mode is a reimagining of Counter Strike's popular ZM mode (Zombie) with the addition of custom heroes to fit into Overwatch and stand as its own.
It includes some of the more relevant CS mechanics for the gamemode, such as Bunny Hopping, Crouch Jumping and Jump Boosting.

General Features:

Bunny Hopping:
This is a mechanic that allows you to gain speed by performing consecutive jumps as you strafe in the air. It works just like in CS except that you must also hold the forward key for it to work in Overwatch.
To start you must land a perfect jump (not touching the ground for over 0.060 seconds), for this it's recommended to use the scroll wheel.
Once you begin bunny hopping your strafing is substantially lowered and you must move your camera in the direction you're strafing to increase your speed.
Your speed bonus will be tracked through the scoring system which you can seen in the leaderboard at the top left.
If this is unclear, look up videos on bhopping in CS, just remember that you must also hold W in this mode, unlike in CS.

Crouch Jumping:
This is a mechanic that allows you get a slightly higher jump by jumping very shortly after crouching, there is a specific timing for this that you must get down. This will allow you to get to many higher spots you normally would be unable to.

Jump Boosting:
This is a mechanic that allows you to boost another player to a tremendous speed by hitting them off your head as they speed through it.
This can be performed by standing still and having them hop on your head, hitting them when they're above you, or by walking along with them and hitting them the moment they jump. This will also multiply speed (including bhop).

Zombie Knockback:
Shooting zombies will knock them back based on the damage dealt to them.

"Group up" Icon:
Using the group up voice line will create an arrow with the message "Come Here" above your head to your teammates, this is to make communication easier for either boosting others or asking to group up.

Zombie Suicide:
Holding the interact for 3 seconds as a zombie will end your life, allowing you to change your hero.

Dynamic Survivor Difficulty:
The damage of survivors has a modifier based on the number of survivors and zombies alive to make it both easier for zombies early on, and easier for survivors to survive against a larger horde.

Alpha Zombie:
The alpha (first) Zombie will receive a large speed and damage reduction bonus to help him turn the first victim, he will also be able to teleport without being frozen while playing Reaper.

Last Man Standing:
The last survivor alive will gain a large speed and damage bonus so he can try to hold off by himself, or just to have some fun before their doom :)

Extended Deathmatch maps:
Added teleporters to access the restricted areas from deathmatch variants of regular maps.

Lobby Bunnyhop Leaderboards:
The top left corner will display your current and highsore for bunny hopping (the score is directly related to the speed gained from the mechanic), as well as the player with the current highest score in the lobby.

Crouch regeneration:
Crouching without taking damage or moving for a short amount of time will periodically heal you, useful to regain a large chunk of health as a Zombie when out of danger.

Hero Changes


Hanzo (Bowmaster):

  • Ultimate: Hanzo's default ultimate is now a Dragon's Roar. This stuns targets hit for 2 seconds and knocks them back in a quick blast.
  • Ultimate (alternative): Pressing down the interact key while using his ultimate will allow Hanzo to use his regular ultimate.
  • Ability 2 (E): While channeling the Dragon's Energy, any damage dealt by Hanzo will place a marker on the Zombie hit. With enough marks the target will be struck by lightning, doing large Area of Effect damage. This damage can apply marks. His arrows are lightning fast during this ability.

McCree (Gunslinger):

  • Ultimate: McCree's ultimate will slow down time, losing effectiveness the longer he channels it. Holding it too long will cause McCree to lose balance and fall on the ground for 3 seconds. He can alternatively cancel the ultimate immediately for a shorter, high effectiveness slow motion.
  • Ability 1: While rolling, McCree evades all Zombie attacks.
  • Secondary: McCree's secondary fires extremely fast as long as the button is held down. Very quickly tapping the button will only fire a couple of rounds.
  • Passive: McCree's revolver uses Silver Bullets which lowers the bhop speed of any Zombie hit.

Sombra (Trickster):

  • Ultimate: Sombra's ultimate teleports her to any character she's looking directly at. Afterwards, regardless of teleporting, all nearby zombies are knocked on the floor for 3 seconds and hacked for 6 seconds.
  • Ability 1: Sombra's invisibility only lasts for 4.5s.
  • Ability 2: Sombra's Translocator can only placed directly where she stands.
  • Secondary: Hacking any player will turn Sombra into the hero of that player for 20 seconds. Any ultimate charge she had before turning will carry over, and any ultimate charge gained as the new Hero will carry over after the hack is over. If Sombra hacks into a Zombie and is found and killed, she will instead transform back into Sombra.

Soldier 76 (Mercenary):

  • Ultimate: Soldier's ultimate increases his damage substantially.
  • Passive: Soldier can press the interact key to mark a target (Zombie). Upon marking a target, any shots fired will split in two, hitting the position he's aiming at, as well as the marked target if they're in line of sight for a lower amount of damage. This damage can stack.

Widowmaker (Sniper):

  • Passive: Widowmaker can hold Interact while scoping in to load a high-powered shot that pierces zombies and walls and creates a blast in a small cone in front of Widowmaker.
  • Ultimate: Widowmaker's Ultimate adds 10 more rounds to her reserve.
  • Passive: Widowmaker's scoped critical hits ricochet to one nearby zombie, allowing her to shoot multiple zombies at a time.

Ana (Scavenger):

  • Ability 2: Ana's Biotic Grenade uses a reserve system, starting at 3. It repels Zombies, causing them to take substantially increased damage. With this she can easily send Zombies flying off to their doom. She can also use this on allies to render them immune to Zombies temporarily (does not work on herself).
  • Ultimate: Ana's (self) Nanoboost gains 11% ultimate charge for every Zombie elimination and adds 3 Biotic Grenades to her reserve upon use.

Mei (Scientist):

  • Ability 2: Mei's ability 2 is replaced with a Freeze Trap. Pressing it causes her to draw a circle near her feet. This is an indicator to where the trap will be placed. Pressing it again will place the Trap and pressing the Interact key will destroy her currently placed trap, resetting the cooldown.
  • Primary: Mei's primary fire does not freeze, but has an immediate, strong slow, making it a good tool to use in combination to other survivor's attacks.
  • Ultimate: Mei's ultimate instantly slows down any player inside its radius to a crawl, including survivors, with the exception of the caster. Very powerful area denial tool with a drawback.

Ashe (Outlaw):

  • Passive: Every third critical hit Ashe lands causes the target to explode in a large radius, dealing high damage.
  • Ability 1: Ashe's shotgun can only be used one time, however, performing a critical hit refreshes the ability, allowing her to use it again. It also deals massively increased damage.

Baptiste (Sentinel):

  • Secondary: Baptiste's secondary fires a piercing round that explodes on contact with a solid surface dealing a high amount of damage. However, in order to fire more grenades, baptiste must hit all three shots from his primary burst.
  • Ability 1: Baptiste's first ability creates a wave of damage surrounding him. Hitting 3 or more targets with it will reload his secondary fire.

Zarya (Vanguard):

  • Passive: Any damage Zarya takes will set off a small explosion centered on her, this explosion is increased in size if the attacker is herself or a Zombie.
  • Primary: Zarya's beam can set Zombies aflame.
  • Secondary: Zarya's secondary fire is a fast moving, arcing projectile that will detonate any ignited Zombies in a large area. These detonations can detonate other ignited Zombies.

Dva (Rabbit):

  • Ultimate: Dva's ultimate allows her to call her mekka down. In her mekka she is immune to infection. Her first ability allows her to quickly bump into Zombies immediately in front of her, shoving them far back. After 12 seconds her mekka will run out of power and self-destruct.
  • Passive: Dealing critical damage on enemies will charge up an Echo Detonation. This ability will immediately fire upon fully charged - first doing damage in an Area of Effect around Dva, and then again on whatever enemy she shoots next.

Tracer (Scout):

  • Ability 2: Tracer's second ability will detonate an area around her when she begins recalling, and again where she finishes her recall.
  • Passive - Primary Fire: Landing a large portion of the shots in a magazine (without pause) will detonate a large area around her.

Torbjorn (Tinkerer):

  • Passive: Holding down the interact button will allow Torbjorn to cycle between various damage types for his rivet gun.
  • Fast: Fast moving rounds.
  • Dragonbreath: Burning rounds.
  • Explosive Knockback: Explosive rounds, these deal massively reduced damage with vastly increased, area of effect knockback.
  • Accumulator: Sniper rounds, doing massively increased Knockback based on the distance to the target.
  • Shotgun Pellets: Enables the Rivet Gun's secondary shotgun fire.
  • Blunt: Slow moving, stunning rounds.
  • Ultimate: Torbjorn's ultimate overloads his rivet gun for a brief moment allowing him to shoot a molten puddle. The rivet gun will then enter a cooldown before it can cycle back to the regular firing modes. During this critical state, head shots deal increased damage.

Brigitte (Shield Maiden):

  • Passive: Brigitte's Primary Fire is replaced with a combo attack that does extra damage depending on the combo position. You can also tap the attack at a lower frequency to throw out her whipshot exlusively. Brigitte's Whipshot does extra damage based on the distance to the target when not being used in the combo.
  • Secondary: Holding up her shield for over 0.75s will turn Brigitte invincible. Losing her form over time. Once the shield is dropped or all form is lost, she will be shortly immobilized and unable to bring up her shield for however long the shield was held.
  • Ultimate: Brigitte's ultimate will taunt all nearby Zombies and do periodic Area of Effect damage.


  • Passive: Killing Zombies increases his damage and ultimate charge gain.
  • Ultimate: Doomfist's ultimate launches him into the air in an arc that explodes upon landing - this damage can recharge his ultimate.


Reaper (Shadow):

  • Ability 1: Reaper's first ability phases him out of the world, but also freezes him on the spot. Useful to evade powerful and predictable attacks.
  • Ability 2: Reaper's second ability allows him to teleport anywhere, but he will be unable to move for a short period (1.25s) afterward.

Genji (Demon):

  • Passive: Genji can automatically hop by holding down Jump, making bunny hopping much easier and reliable. Additionally, he can hop over any obstacles, including slanted surfaces.
  • Passive: Dropping below 25% of health will enter Genji into a berserking state, granting him damage reduction and increased healing.
  • Ultimate: Genji's ultimate starts locked, eliminating a survivor will fully charge it. Once drawn, he is allowed to slash his sword for a very brief period upon drawing it.

Lúcio (Stalker):

  • Passive: Lúcio is assigned a mark.
  • Passive: Lúcio can crouch for a short period of time while standing still to turn himself partially invisible.
  • Ultimate: Lúcio is not allowed to melee. Using his ultimate allows Lúcio to tackle his mark if landing close to them, knocking both Lúcio and the mark down. Afterward, Lúcio must remain close to the target for a short period of time. If successful, the target will turn into a Zombie. Lúcio cannot be hit by any attacks while performing the tackle animation. Note: While knocked down, tackling, both Lúcio and the Mark can press the interact button to struggle in their current facing direction, allowing the mark to escape or Lúcio to chase it down.

Roadhog (Juggernaut):

  • Ability 1: Using Roadhog's ability 1 will turn him into a flesh statue. Making him invincible to any and all damage and freeze him in the spot. This allows Zombies to use him as a walkable surface/boost, as well as forming a wall that cannot be shot by the survivors.
  • Ultimate: Roadhog's ultimate will launch a friendly Zombie in the direction Roadhog is looking at. it is recommended to have the Zombie stand on the Roadhog's head for maximum effect. Once used, time will be briefly slowed down and survivors will be notified of a launch.

Reinhardt (Tank):

  • Passive: Taking damage will increase Reinhardt's Danger gauge. Upon reaching full capacity (700) Reinhardt will be enraged, fully healing himself, gaining speed, damage reduction and unlocking his ultimate after 3 seconds. This state lasts for 15 seconds.

Mercy (Fallen Angel):

  • Primary/Secondary: Pressing the primary fire will spawn an orb that slowly moves in front of mercy. Pressing the primary/secondary fire will detonate the orb, creating a cloud of that bounces any Zombies on it upward.
  • Passive: Mercy is only able to float for a short amount of time, but bouncing in her cloud will replenish this amount.

Junkrat (Sewer Rat):

  • Ability 1: Junkrat's ability 1 creates a slow moving projectile. Pressing the primary fire will detonate it, creating a caustic cloud that stops any survivors caught in it in their tracks for 4 seconds and disables their abilities.
  • Ultimate: Junkrat's ultimate allows him to blow away players caught near the explosion.

Winston (Pack Leader):

  • Passive: Witnessing a survivor killing a Zombie will enrage Winston, granting him some of his ultimate. Upon reaching 100% his ultimate will automatically activate, granting Winston increased movement speed, Melee range and height and damage reduction.
  • Passive: Standing near his fellow Zombies grants Winston increased damage reduction.

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