
500% Sidekicks Keepaway (6+6 VS 6+6)

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Sidekicks 500% Keepaway is a 24player(6+6 Vs. 6+6) chaotic game of keepway.

Each player will have a sidekick that replicates the players attacks shooting and casting abilities where the player aims. Sidekicks will decide on their own when to cast the ultimate ability. They will always be the same character of the player scaled down in size.

500% ultimate generation and low cooldowns. Holding the ball will generate team points as well as scoring killing blows.

Being the ball holder will cause some of your abilities to have a higher cooldown, Mostly mobility cooldowns.

Players | 1 - 12
Categories: Miscellaneous
Heroes:, Doomfist, Junker Queen, Orisa, Ramattra, and 33 more...
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Current version: 1.0

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