

a few bugs may occur because some stat changes carried over to other heroes and i tried fixing it so beware

and i am new to this site , rn i only have my phone to make this writing so i apologize in advance for confusion and lack of images

this gamemode i spent a long time making and perfecting balance

this mode reworks everything from characters to core gameplay mechanics like adding a stomp by crouching mid air or adding a healing potion to everybody by pressing interact button.

this mode also follows a certain balance philosophy, i chose 1 balancing "reference" character and balanced the rest of the cast around that character

i chose widowmaker , she can 1 shot any 200 hp character
so now every character has a 1 shot or a 1 shot combo like junkrat

all of them have a different way of making that combo happen , my favorite changes personally were doomfist and genji , hope yall enjoy and now i will state the optional information


Most characters can stomp on the floor by pressing crouch on the air adding to movement

everyone has a healing potion that regens most if not all hp in a single press with a long cooldown meaning its a great 1v1 tool to use strategically

healing in general is lower

ults are now pureley time based , battle does not give ult charge


Tank super tanky and deals less dmg than dps in general

support made to support the team , usually by helping them kill or utility

dps deals dmg

bruiser balance between dmg and tank BUT are mostly melee or super close range

sniper super long range and deals dmg

strategy has pure skill or brain strats in their kit , made to use wiseley with long cds usually

healer made pureley to heal




she is slower

dvas defense matrix is completeley reworked

it now lasts super long BUT recharges like shit so its a 1 time use per life

boosters now make you super fast

missiles are hitscan-like

she deals less dmg overall

dva is a TANK


doom is a BRUISER

doom punch resets after a successful hit

his 1 shot combo is punch folowed by anything else

his first shot after a charged punch deals double dmg

his shots deal super low dmg

his punch deals massive dmg

his block changes into a PARRY that you need to time well to stun any enemie that damages you while blocking

his ult now deals more dmg overtime


she is a BRUISER

she now has a 2 second blade throw that goes further

she has carnage on 0 cooldown

her shout has 24 sec cd

she has less ammo to encorage close combat

her 1 shot combo is mixable with ger carnage and knife in any order , or a simple shotgun to the face will do from a very short distance


mauga is a TANK

mauga deals less bullet dmg , and has a lower burn rate BUT burn deals massive dmg and lasts very little, he has double ammo to compensate

his dash now deals MASSIVE dmg on stomp and stomp deals more dmg the higher the drop(dmg multiplier not active yet)

his healing is lower on his overdrive



she deals a lot of dmg BUT her bullets are slower in general

her fortify is now super low cd , it becomes 0 cd if its used maximum time , BUT it makes you 50% slower

spear does MASSIVE dmg being enough to 1 shot tracer on contact

her 1 shot combo is spin and spear hitting the wall

her ultimate is more used as an ability instead of ult dealing more dmg the longer the use



ramatra now has 0 cd on his other form making it a secondeary weapon choice instead of an ability

his punches deal massive dmg byt everytime he changes forms he takes a bit of dmg

his long range is hitscan but deals low dmg

the other abilities have lower cds



deals more dmg on swing

his pin now makes you super fast on use BUT it doesnt 1 shot , instead it 1 shot comboes with swing BATTA BATTA

he has infinite fire strikes but they travel slow

his ult is more of a cd ability now BUT it deals MASSIVE dmg



roadhog can now heal his allies with his new passive that heals anyone in a radius whenever hog is healed himself (doesnt work if max hp)

his hook now resets after a kill or an allie kill after the hook is used
(ment to be used for helping team kill instead of you)

he deals less dmg overall

his breather has super long use but slower charge rate and he gains low hp from it

his ult now is a dmg tool dealing no knockback



sig can now glide and jump super high , stomp benefits to this

sigma deals a lot of dmg , being able to 1 shot tracer with rock

his rock is hitscan but its a little offset

his ult now deals massive dmg



primary fire has a chain effect that dmgs players nearby players being damaged by winston

primart deals low dmg

secondeary deals super dmg

jump also deals more dmg and has a faster cooldown



ball is pure skill and strat dealling low dmg BUT having no cds basically

his ball form makes him super fast and he can jump higher for the groundpound to be easyer to use

his ult is now a blocker that stays super long on the ground but in a lower spread



zaria now has less ammo but deals MASSIVE dmg on swcondeary fire and is hitscan( ITS A BIT BUGGY)

her bubbles are longer cd wise




her shotgun was supposed to slowdown time for a while but was changed cuz it didnt make any sense, instead it deals massive dmg and no knockback

... thats it



Deals less dmg but has lower cd on nade , nade is also hitscan and deals less knockback

his turret form makes him faster

and his ult is used more of a dmg ability



roll goes further
thats kinda it
he deals more dmg also ... 1 shot combo is headshot nade... thats it



echo works different, if she is flying then she will deal low dmg but is hitscan
if she is on the ground she deals MASSIVE dmg but has slow bullets

her cds are lower overall



genji is now perma ulted making him pure melee

his dash resets after successful hit

deflect is now a super fast parry that needs good timing but has a 1 sec cd

he deals great dmg



Hanso can 1 shot again

he has 12 storm arrows

and can dash further



junk has his 1 shot again

he can put as many traps as he wants(not yet ,rn he has 0 cd instead)

he has 300 hp now



mei now has a faster wall

can 1 shot tracer again

but her cryo is different, instead of healing you it freezes enemies around you making it an escape tool or a dmg opportunity BUT HAS A SUPER LONG COOLDOWN



phara is the same as echo dealing more dmg on ground with slower bullets or low dmg on air with hitscan



reaper now is super fast in wrainth form

he also is invincible whiles teleporting

his cds are low so i made him 240 hp



she deals less dmg overall

her slide has a 1 sec cd

disruptor has a 5 sec cd being able to shoot again after last one ends

she has 200 hp

SOLDIER ////////


he has no cd on healing but heals little

has low dmg but missiles deal great dmg in a low cd , and its hitscan



sombra deals low dmg but cds are super low

she can deal 200 dmg exactly if melee the back of enemies



sym turrets have a massive cd

her primary fire and secondeary can alter turret dmg

primary weakens turret dmg

secondeary doubles turret dmg

her secondeary fire also deals massive dmg



turret makes torb deal less dmg

hammer can now 2 shot tracer

overdrive lasts longer



she deals less dmg but has more ammo

she has faster blinks

her recall has a mega cooldown but freezes enemies in a radius upon use



she deals massive dmg overall

has low cds and lower ammo to encourage pure ability spam

she has 300 hp



can only 1shot 250 below

her mine is hitscan ment to be used to finish off or start a shot from across the map




she deals massive dmg now

her sleep has a chance to last longer up to 10 sec

nade is hitscan (ment to be used to 1 shot combo with normal fire



bap now has 200 hp and deals more dmg

has lower cd on burst



has low healing but deals more dmg overall being able to 2 to 3 shot most squishys



her melee now ignites enemies for a couple seconds , if you melee an ignited enemie your dmg doubles per hit on ignited enemie being able to 1 shot anyone at a certain point

secondeary has more time but less healing

pylon now has a massive cd



lucio deals massive dmg overall , his boop now has a low cd but good dmg and almost no knockback



juno is new so i didnt have much ideas

her movent cds are 0 making her extremeley mobile

deals more dmg overall

missiles are slower , harder to hit but deal more dmg



deals a bit more dmg

can tp from further but her suzu is slow to hit the ground making it more of a prediction tool instead of a reaction tool



weaver has more range and less cds on pull and blossom (i am aware some people will troll with pull , but if used correctly will be a meanece)

weaver can draw in the air because his bullets are slow , different shapes deal more dmg , harder shapes like stars can freeze , stun , burn etc (WORK IN PROGRESS)

he deals massive dmg



mercy has staff only BUT has infinite ults and melee deals exactly 200 dmg

she earns 180 hp here



moira deals low dmg but melee bleeds the enemy

her orbs now can be influensed by melee

if orb is damaging enemies , you can melee the air to bleed enemies hit by the orb

her healing is now way longer but heals less

her faide is now super fast and a low cd earning the 180 hp

her ultimate is now a pure dmg or survival tool

her ult stucks her in place but deals MASSIVE dmg or healing but on a way faster duration and its pretty fast cd



his bullets are now slow making him more useful up close ... but he deals the most dmg in the game being able to 3 shot some tanks

some changes are underwhelming but will be changed , and new things will get added later

@SonnyCarrer (insta)

i will soon make a youtube channel

this is an example of my balance philosophy and more modes will come including those with opposite balancing to this so beware 😉

Players | 1 - 12
Heroes: All
Created at:
Last updated:
Current version: 0.0.1


Heals yourself
Heals yourself
Heals yourself
Heals yourself
Heals yourself

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