
Shooter Hell

Shooter Hell

Shooter Hell is a very simple 6v6 elimination game mode with 100 hp for each hero made by somebody who cannot code for sh1t (but that does not matter because this game mode doesn't need to be). There is no healing. Both the enemy health bars and the kill feed disabled to give as little information as custom games will allow. The point of the game is to essentially camp out corners and kill the other team.

Please give criticism since this wasn't tested with real people.

All playable heros include Ashe, Baptiste, Cassidy, Illari, Sojourn, Sombra, Solider: 76, and Widowmaker.

  • Ashe
    Coach Gun knockback scalar is 0% (It only does damage at a close range like an actual shotgun)

  • Baptiste
    Immortality Field off
    Regenerative Burst off
    Secondary fire off

  • Illari
    Secondary fire off
    Healing Pylon off (Was tempted to enable it but that sounds op, feel free to edit the settings however you want though I could care less tbh)

  • Sojourn
    Disruptor Shot off

  • Sombra
    Virus off

  • Soldier: 76
    Solider: 76
    Biotic Field off
    Helix Rockets off (I might rework Helix Rockets, but with 100 hp they are op)

  • Cassidy Widowmaker Cassidy and Widowmaker are the exact same just on 100 hp

Extra Content

There are some other heros that are disabled but can be turned on if you wish. These heros include Junker Queen, Junkrat, Juno, Pharah, Reaper, and Tracer. Some or all maybe enabled in future iterations. Also try enabling ultimates if you wish. Enabling perks might now work well because some abilities are disabled.

  • Junker Queen
    Junker Queen
    Commanding Shout off
    Jagged Blade knockback scalar 0% (Knife might also be op tbh idk)
    Still as armor but overall hp is 100 plus tank crit and knockback reduction passives

  • Junkrat
    Concussion Mine off (If he didn't have two it probably would be on)
    Frag Launcher knockback scalar 0%

  • Juno
    Glide Boost off
    Healing dealt 10% (might be weird to enable her since she technically does healing but only 10% of her base healing and she cannot crit enemies)
    Hyper Ring off
    Pulsar Torpedoes off
    Has slow fall

  • Pharah
    Ammunition clip size scalar 25%
    Concussive Blast off
    Hover Jets off
    Rocket Launcher knockback scalar 0%
    Has slow fall

  • Reaper
    Shadow Step off
    Wraith Form off
    Still has life steal still because you cannot disable passives

  • Tracer
    Blink off

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