zenyatta* sumo
*zenyatta not guaranteed
not fully balanced yet
most things can be quickly changed through workshop settings, cooldowns must be whole numbers
the goat. lightest character, low damage, low defense, high knockback, great recovery.
Briefly become smaller to easily evade enemies
-Gravity, Knockback Dealt
++Knockback Received
Pull yourself towards another player
Will cancel momentum
Launch yourself upwards
+Health, Double Jump
Stuns for 1s
the ram. heaviest character, high damage, high defense, high knockback, very little recovery.
Briefly become larger to easily punch enemies
--Knockback Received
+Gravity, Knockback Dealt, Double Jump
Pull another player towards yourself
Will cancel momentum
Push everyone in your range downwards
Will launch upwards if in air
+Knockback Dealt, Temporary Armor
Burns for 1s
only like him cause he's cute. middleweight character, high damage, moderate defense, moderate* knockback, moderate recovery.
Go into assault configuration, hover and gain a grenade
-Knockback Recieved, Damage
+Double Jump
Hold down ability to charge a single punch, making it more powerful
Will launch upwards if in air, scaling with charge
Become invulnerable and slow down time, enemies hit will be slept
Will launch upwards if in air
+Double Jump
Hacks for 0.5s
makes my friends mad. heavy character, moderate damage, high defense, high knockback, little recovery.
Fortify, stunning anyone who melees you
--Knockback Received, Damage Recieved, Speed
+Gravity, Size
Charge forwards, spinning your javelin and fortifying as you go
Briefly stuns on hit
-Gravity, Aim Speed
+Damage, Speed, Double Jump
Gradually pull everyone within range, launching those unable to escape
+Double Jump
Stuns for 0.75s
'shes good guys i swear'. light character, moderate damage, low defense, moderate knockback, moderate recovery.
Fly for a short duration
Dive downwards, launching and stunning anyone in the landing zone
Will scale based on altitude
--Speed, Knockback Received
Teleport behind target player
Will NOT duplicate abilities
Will refresh cooldowns on expiry
Stuns for 0.25s
simple and maybe effective. middleweight character, low damage, moderate defense, moderate knockback, good recovery.
Dash forwards, stunning enemies hit. Will also launch if charged
Deflect projectiles and melees
Will charge slash if deflects melee
Unleash a single powerful slash
Will refresh abilities
Will charge slash
Hacks for 2s
fire for the fire god. light character, moderate damage, low defense, moderate knockback, good recovery.
Knockback nearby enemies, stunning if on fire
Teleport in the direction you are facing
Is delayed, indicated by projectile
Enemies near the teleport will be stunned briefly
Fly and shoot a 'very hot ball of cheddar'
Detonation will launch sunstruck enemies upwards
Burns for 2s
brrr mimimimi. light character, high damage, low defense, moderate* knockback, little recovery
Fire a sleep dart. Will also fire a homing sleep projectile towards a marked enemy
Boost yourself in the direction you are moving
Is determined by held movement keys
Give yourself a nano boost, healing half of missing health for the duration
Removes scope requirement for primary fire
Will launch upwards if in air
-Gravity, Shoot Speed, Mark Duration
+Speed, Jump Height
Temporarily marks enemies
Marked enemies will take increased knockback
Can only fire while scoped in