
Cosmic GOATs OW2 version + 1 sources

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CGL x Cosmic GOATs OW2 version
Meant To Replicate Overwatch Patch 1.24 With Overwatch 2 heroes
(or with heroes that got released after goats died)
Version: 1.0.0
Originally Made by Aria Boyce and Headrammer
OW2 Additions Made by Frog aka biggiefrog

(i only wanted 4 additions for both respective roles, but messege biggiefrog on discord or add a comment here if you want me to add sigma and doomfist)

CGL please dont sue me, i am fully giving yall credit since im not THAT excperienced with workshop, so i copied yalls method on healthpool since thats all i needed to do.

and no, this is not a collab... unless...?


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