Super Smash Bros. + 1 sources
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Super Smash Bros.
A modification of Zomg#21649's original gamemode. Knock enemies outside the red sphere to kill them, and avoid getting killed yourself!
The Basics
The map is surrounded by a kill sphere, which players have 2 seconds to get out from before they die and lose stock.
Damage accumulates a player's percentage. The higher one's percentage is, the farther they will get knocked back.
The last player standing wins the match.
Game Techniques
Double Jump
- Jump again in the air.
- Avoid all damage for a split second
- Freezes the user with lag. End lag becomes worse with high usage.
- Can be used to cancel abilities.
Directional Dodge
- Boosts the user into the direction they're facing while dodging.
- Cannot be used again until the user touches the ground.
- Counts as 2 dodges, increasing end lag quicker.
- If you ever feel like it, there's a quick and easy option.
Classic Mode
The original mode! Take the enemy's stock and be the last one standing!
Stamina Mode
Percentage is replaced with health! Survive the match before your health is depleted to 0!
Score Mode
Stock doesn't matter anymore, only the number of kills does! Rack up as many kills as you can before the time runs out!
Game Mechanics
- Players become stronger the more damage they've taken.
Underdog Boost
- Earning an elimination while at 1 stock will half your current percentage, or heal 150 HP in Stamina Mode.
- The player with less stock in a 1v1 will become slightly stronger.
Hero Changes
Within game, you can view the changes to your hero with [Crouch] + [Reload]
Ability | Description |
Quick Reload [Crouch + Reload] | Crouch while reloading to load ammo quicker. |
Ability | Description |
Amplification Burst [Ability 1] | Temporarily increases attack power. |
Resist [Ability 2] | Temporarily become immune to knockback. |
Focus [Crouch] | Become stronger while crouching. |
Ability | Description |
Configuration: Sentry | Take reduced damage and become immune to knockback while in Sentry form. Sentry form runs on a meter to be used. |
Self-Repair | Take reduced damage while healing. |
Ability | Description |
Whip Shot | Whip Shot's cooldown gradually reduces with each missed shot until it lands a hit. Instantly recharge Whip Shot after earning an elimination. |
Air Offensive [Passive] | Deal increased damage to opponents in the air. |
Ability | Description |
Cannon Power [Passive] | Use of Fusion Cannons reduces D.Va's Cannon Power, which affects her overall attack power. |
Ability | Description |
The Best Defense | Reduces damage while temporary shields are up. |
Ability | Description |
Swift Strike | Deals increased damage to airborne opponents and to those with higher percentages. |
Ability | Description |
Sonic Arrow | Travels faster than normal. |
Ability | Description |
Soundwave [Crouch] | Crouch and Soundwave to knock yourself backwards and gain incredible speeds |
Crossfade: Heal | Increases attack power. |
Crossfade: Speed | Increases projectile speed. |
Sound Barrier | Lifts surrounding enemies into the air and temporarily gives Lúcio invulnerability. |
Ability | Description |
Peacekeeper [Secondary Fire] | Weaker but deals set knockback. |
Ability | Description |
Endothermic Blaster [Secondary Fire] | Deals significantly more damage than normal when a headshot is landed. |
Ability | Description |
Caduceus Staff [Melee] | Temporarily reduces the opponent's gravity. |
Guardian Angel | Can be used on opponents. Temporarily becomes disabled when dealt damage. [Crouch] while using the ability to boost yourself upwards. |
Ability | Description |
Biotic Grasp [Primary Fire] | Deals damage to enemies. |
Biotic Orb: Heal | Temporarily increases Moira's resistance to damage while healing her. |
Ability | Description |
Fortify | Increases Orisa's gravity for its duration. Use while using Supercharger to become incredibly powerful. |
Ability | Description |
Rocket Hammer | Deals increased damage when hit with the tip. |
Barrier Field | Significantly increases movement speed while on the ground. Hold [Melee] to temporarily break Barrier Field. |
Charge | Can be cancelled. |
Firestrike | Applies burn to opponents hit. |
Berserk [Passive] | Become stronger while Barrier Field is broken and heal from dealing damage. |
Super Armor [Passive] | Take reduced damage and knockback when at lower percentages. |
Ability | Description |
Take a Breather | Greatly reduces damage taken for its duration. |
Ability | Description |
Kinetic Grasp | Reduces damage while temporary shields are up. |
Gravitic Flux | Slightly reduces the gravity of those caught. |
Soldier: 76
Ability | Description |
Biotic Field | Heals damage taken. |
Ability | Description |
Hack | Rapidly damages enemies. |
EMP | Rapidly damages enemies and disables their HUDS. |
Ability | Description |
Photon Projector [Secondary Fire] | Reloads ammunition instead of using it up. |
Teleporter | Explodes upon being destroyed, dealing damage to nearby enemies. |
Set in Place [Passive] | Deal increased damage to slow moving enemies. |
Wrecking Ball
Ability | Description |
Boost [Secondary Fire] | Boosts Wrecking Ball in the direction he's facing. |
Adaptive Shield | Reduces damage while temporary shields are up. |
Ability | Description |
Heal Bubble [Ability 2] | Project a "Heal Bubble" on an opponent, which the target will heal Zarya instead of dealing damage. |
Ability | Description |
Pull Orb [Ability 1] | Cast a "Pull Orb" on an opponent, who will be knocked towards you instead of away when you deal damage to them. Cancel with [Ability 1] + [Crouch] |
Triple Jump [Jump] | Have an extra jump in the air. |
Known Bugs
The player may spawn outside the map and lose 2 lives instead of one. This happens rarely, but the cause is very inconsistent.
The player may spawn and immediately start taking damage and die. This happens rarely, but the cause is very inconsistent.
When RIP-Tire is destroyed by the enemy, Junkrat will die twice and lose 2 stock.
Sombra’s EMP will deal massive damage to enemies with shield health.
This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.