Experience old version of heroes and skills,Genji Super Jump
, Mercy Heroes never die
! No Doomfist
- D.Va:
- SELF-DESTRUCT may kill herself!
- Hanzo:
- Lúcio:
- Crossfade: restore the Area of effect radius
- Heal Song: restore the Healing-per-second
- Wall Ride: restore the Movement speed
- Symmetra:
restore the old Photon Projector
- Ammo 70 -> 100
restore Ultimate: Teleporter
- Mercy:
- Healing per second: 50 -> 60
- restore Ultimate Resurrect:
Heroes never die!
- Genji:
Ultimate : 6 seconds -> 8 seconds
restore super jump
- Junkrat:
- Concussion Mine:Damage 30~120 -> 120
- Weapon: increase damage
- Ultimate: restore the Movement speed
- Tracer:
- Ultimate:increase damage 350 -> 400
- McCree:
- Weapon: Recovery Time: 0.4 seconds -> 0.5 seconds
- Ultimate: will cost 50% power fisrt
- Roadhog:
- Ammo: 5 -> 4
- Take a Breather : can't move
- Zenyatta:
- Weapon Damage : 48 -> 46
- Orb of Discord: Damage Amplification: +25% -> + 50%
- Ana
- Ultimate:restore the Movement speed +30%
- Widowmaker
- Weapon Damage : 120 -> 150
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