
Boss Battle (First Dead is Boss) by Bad#21722

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

My first custom gamemode! I've been a long-time player of Boss Battles, and with the increasing popularity of switching the boss each round, I wanted to make it easier for the Host and players to see who actually dies first each round - sometimes you're distracted, AFK, or simply have potato memory. I added some features to help with this - red text displays at the top left showing the NEXT ENEMY, along with an initial message at the top of the screen.

I also have custom settings for every hero, some more enhanced than others, to keep some semblance of balance while also keeping the games going quick (each round only lasts 2 minutes) but these don't need to be kept if you don't like them.


  • NEXT ENEMY reroll if first person to die leaves (working on it)
  • NEXT ENEMY reroll if first dead is resurrected by Mercy (working on it)
  • More silly custom heroes

With thanks to kurinoku#1461 and merkaba48#2867 for helping me on the US Blizzard forums.

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