
When Pigs Fly by EnoughLemon by Lemnbarz#1452

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Each team is comprised of a Mercy, Roadhog, Zarya, Mei, Genji, and Brigitte; the goal of the game is simple: either capture or kill the enemy Mercy, or kill the rest of her team. At the start of the game players on Mercy and Hog should fly into the skybox. Mercy should try to evade as much as she can with a movement speed buff attached to her primary fire at the cost of using her health as fuel. Roadhog can fly in a similar way to Pharah by pressing or holding jump. He also has a movement speed buff attached to his heal which also leaves a cloud of toxicity behind ealing damage over time to anyone close. Play defensive or aggressive with Hog in an attempt to capture the enemy Mercy with a hook and protect your own, though beware of the enemy Zarya, she can shoot you down out of the sky.
Zarya and Mei are the backline. Meis job is incredibly similar to her role in the main game: zone control, but also has a very strong tool against Zaryas spam damage with her blizzard. Zarya on the other hand is an anti air cannon with the ability to deal a large amount of damage to Roadhog, keeping pressure on him in an attempt to keep him away from Mercy. She can also heal a teammate with her projected barrier. If Zarya finds herself in a close quarters fight where she is overwhelmed she can crouch to start healing at the cost of being rooted and slowed projectile speed. Zarya is best encountered with backup as she will win most 1v1s. This is where Brig and Genji come in.
Brigitte is the muscle of the team, she overpowers Mei and Genji, and can have a pretty even fight with Zarya with the use of Rally and her stuns. Crouching will double your damage output, movement speed, and damage taken. Use whipshot as an escape, as it puts the enemy to sleep. Genji is a glass cannon in this game type. Hes able to lay down a good amount of damage with his Ult and his dash, which also doubles as a stun and should be used to engage and disengage a fight. Along with the stun Genji can crouch to go invisible with decreased movement speed. Dont get caught off guard.

Roadhog>Mercy, Mei, Brig
Zarya>Genji, Roadhog
Brig>Genji, Mei

Catch/Kill Mercy:
Roadhog - Hook
Zarya - Grav
Mei - Freeze
Brig - Stun or Sleep
Genji - Dragonblade

This is just version 1.0 and I would love some help playtesting; maybe even suggestions on how to make this more balanced and fun. From the few times I have played it, I can say ive had a blast.

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