
Leveling Madness by Starhunter#2511

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Overall Controls
Interact-Button + Crouching: Upgrade Health
Interact-Button + Primary Fire: Upgrade Damage
Interact-Button + Walking: Upgrade Speed

Now featuring a UI:

At the top-left of your screen, you'll see your level, score, the needed score for a level-up and your level is broken down to simple stats.
The survive stat indicates health upgrades, chasing speed and attacking damage.
Next Upgrade Points Earned shows the needed experience for the next level-up.
Score shows your experience.
Health and speed are capped at level 5 while damage is capped at level 6.

Leveling Madness:

Stable: 7MZ8E

The rules are quite simple:
Instead of using the score to indicate kills it will show the players level.
You get Experience over time.
You get Experience on kill and eliminations.
You can level up using experience and unlock abilities and stat upgrades.
The first player reaching level 21 wins.
You cant upgrade a stat more than 9 times.
When trying to upgrade you will see a Red/Green Failure/Success message at the Top-Middle of your screen.
The left of the 2 yellow numbers in a Failure message indicates the needed experience.


Ability 1 unlocks at level 5.
Ability 2 Unlocks at level 10.
Ultimate Unlocks at level 15.

Known Bugs:

When changing heroes it takes multiple respawns to set the max health again.

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