💣 Symmetra Minefields
- You have 60 seconds to set up turrets around the map in Phase 1.
- Prevent Minesweepers from reaching their objective (Flag Icon).
- You also control 2 Symmetra bots that allow you to place 6 more turrets.
- Press [Interact] to cycle through you and your bots placing turrets.
- You can hold [Crouch] to fine tune your turret placement
- Slow down when on ground
- Slow down + float when in air
- You have 3 minutes to reach the objective (Flag Icon) in Phase 2.
- Avoid and destroy Symmetra turrets along the way.
- You only have invincibility while in the Starting Point.
- Leaving that area will clear off your invincibility.
- Stay in the objective for 3 seconds to win.
- If you die, you will only respawn next round.
Event | Round winner |
Time ran out in Phase 2 | Symmetra Team |
All Minesweepers died | Symmetra Team |
1 Minesweeper reached objective | Minesweeper Team |
First team to reach 3 points win!
There are some variables you can change to customise your playing experience!
Settings | Description |
Symmetra's Set up time | How long will Phase 1 last |
Minesweeper's Move out time | How long will Phase 2 last |
Number of bots per Sym player | How many extra bots Sym players have (+3 turrets per bot) |
Important note
- Not all maps are supported currently.
- The game requires manual start (Press L -> Start game mode OR esc Menu -> Show Lobby -> Start game mode)
- Do not make role switches or change player slots after starting the game, bugs may occur.
Join my Workshop Discord group for updates, suggestions, feedback and bug reports! Just click on the picture below.
Players |
2 - 10
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