Null Sector attacked and took over Midtown, they set up their base in a nearby train station. Your mission is to hack their outposts, escort the payload, and storm the station to reclaim the city from Null Sector forces.
Talent System
Defense Matrix duration increased
Boosters knockback increased
Mech explodes when it reaches 0 health
Boosters deal more damage and set enemies on fire
Dealing damage with Micro Missiles restores health and Defense Matrix resource
Self Destruct's explosion deals more damage, stuns and burns enemies
Fusion Cannons are more effective agaings larger enemies
Defense Matrix damages enemies it's casted on
Movement Speed increased while Barrier Field is deployed
Fire strike explodes every time it deals damage
After Barrier Field breaks, you are faster, gain armor and deal more damage
Charge is significantly faster and stuns enemies
Dealing damage with fire strike freezes enemies
Charge can pin multiple enemies, Rocket Hammer briefly stuns
Earthshatter travels in all directions
Barrier Projector cooldown decreased
Primal Rage damage significantly increased
Tesla Cannon reduces enemy movement speed and sometimes stuns
Barrier Projector explodes and electocutes any enemies inside of it
Fully charged Tesla Cannon Alt Fire shoots additional lightning bolts
Jump Pack always deals 100 damage
Taking damage charges Primal Rage
While using Primal Rage you take less damage
While using Primal Rage you deal damage to enemies around you
Particle Cannon ammo increased
Particle Cannon sets enemies on fire at high energy
Alt Fire briefly stuns and has damage greatly increased at high energy
Graviton Surge deals more damage and stuns enemies trapped inside
Kills with Particle Cannon restore Particle Barriers
Periodically fire energy bolts alongside Particle Beam
Particle Barriers explode when they expire
Flashbang cooldown decreased
Flashbang stuns enemies
Critical hits don't consume ammo and deal more damage
Critical hits deal more damage against elite, special and boss units
Combat Roll makes you invincible and stuns enemies
Peacekeeper has no falloff damage
After using Deadeye next magazine is empowered
Deal more damage for each consecutive shot without missing, restarts with reload
Tri-Shot ammo increased
Focusing Beam damage increased
Duplicating an enemy immediately charges your ultimate
Focusing Beam bonus damage starts at 75% health. Heal for dealt damage
Start to regenerate health when gliding. Using Glide makes you faster
Tri-Shot critical hits add extra shots to the next Sticky Bombs attack
Teammates share your ultimate charge in Duplicate
Using Flight sends 2 wingblades that seek enemies
At half health, unleash a massive pulse wave that freezes enemies, works while duplicating
Dragonblade duration increased
Deflect cooldown decreased
Deflected projectiles deal more damage
Quick Melee and Swift Strike inflict wounds on enemies
While using Deflect you fire shurikens
You leave shurikens behind after using Swift Strike
Slashing with Dragonblade creates large projectile
While using Dragonblade you are surrounded with wind that deals damage
Cyber-Agility lets you triple jump
You take less damage while airbourne
Endothermic Blaster freezes enemies
Endothermic Blaster ammo increased
Frozen enemies shatter upon death
When Cryo-Freeze ends, nearby enemies freeze
Blizzard instantly kills enemies under 200 health
Continue to move after using Cryo-Freeze, knocking down enemies
Frozen enemies take more damage
Icicle instantly freezes enemies hit in head
Jump Jet cooldown decreased
Hover Jets maximum time increased
Jump Jet and Jet Dash set enemies around you on fire
Concussive Blast deals damage and stuns enemies
The last shot in the clip is faster and sends more rockets
Your health is replaced with armor, heal while on the ground
Deal critical hits against airborne enemies, also affects rooted or knocked down enemies
Barrage sets enemies on fire
Power Slide cooldown decreased
Landing after using Power Slide deals damage
Sliding into enemies knocks them down
Disruptor Shot leaves behind a splash of small explosives as it flies
Deal more damage while airbourne
Landing high-power Railgun shot immediately follows up with a Disruptor Shot
Enemies inside of Disruptor Shot take more damage
Pulse Pistol clip size increased
Pulse Bomb damage significantly increased
Health increased
Using ability reloads weapon
Enemies damaged by pulse bomb create another explosion
Enemies are pulled towards the point of recall
Blinking through enemies damages them
Killing blows speed up your cooldowns
Pulse bomb has 2 charges, you start with one
Pulse bomb charges faster
Amplification Matrix duration increased
Immortality Field cooldown significantly shortened
Killing enemy makes next burst deal more damage
Crouching after using Exo Boots smashes you into the ground dealing damage and healing nearby allies
Biotic Grenades damage enemies around allies that are healed by it
Regenerative Burst poisons nearby enemies upon activation
Immortality Field grants damage resistance and increases damage dealt
Regenerative Burst is used twice
Barrier Shield recharge rate increased
Shield Bash knockback increased
Whip Shot knockback increased
Using Repair Pack heals you
If Whip Shot hits an enemy, that enemy explodes
An upgraded version of Inspire automatically triggers every 15 seconds
Barrier Shield is larger
Shield Bash stuns and deals more damage
Kills restore Repair Packs, can get up to 6 Repair Packs
During Rally your damage and healing is doubled
Soundwave cooldown decreased
Soundwave knockback increased
Knocking enemies into walls with Soundwave stuns them
Soundwave heals allies
Both songs play while using Amp It Up
Damage dealt while using speed boost adds bonus healing to healing boost
Sound Barrier deals damage and stuns enemies
Critical hits reduce cooldown of Amp It Up by 0.5 seconds
Soundwave's damage and knockback scale up based on your speed
Ressurect cooldown significantly decreased
Guardian Angel stuns enemies you fly by
Mercy's melee attacks stun and heal allies around you
Caduceus Staff loses its damage amplifying beam, instead you fire bolts with it
Resurrect works on multiple targets, makes you invulnerable and is instant
During Valkyrie your health is doubled and you shoot energy orbs that seek target
You cast an aura around yourself that boosts damage and heals allies
Normal Units
Enemy | Description | |
Nulltrooper | Standard grunt, equipped with basic Tri-Shot. They may be easy to take down, but they’re dangerous in large groups. | |
Jumpjet | A flying unit armed with a rocket launcher. They will dodge your attack while flying in the air and launching attacks from above. | |
Eradicator | A heavy unit with a large frontal shield, firing triple shots of plasma energy. Eradicators require flanking tactics to bypass their shield and deal damage effectively. | |
Elite Nulltrooper | A more advanced version of the Nulltrooper, these enemies fire volleys of sticky bombs with explosive impact and have greater health. They’re both tanky and hazardous up close, demanding quick elimination. | |
Elite Jumpjet | An upgraded version of the Jumpjet that drops mines mid-air and fires rocket barrages. With increased health, this unit is more resilient and unpredictable, making it a serious airborne threat. |
Special Units
Enemy | Description | |
Artillery | A massive tank equipped with dual side cannons that deal heavy damage. once both cannons are destroyed, the Artillery charges at players, attempting to crush them with powerful stomps. | |
Stalker | Agile and dangerous, the Stalker teleports and self-heals. It can pull players toward itself to execute them, while three drones orbit it as additional protection. Prioritize this unit, as it can quickly disrupt your team’s formation. | |
Vulture | A flying unit with three different attacks: laser, rocket barrage, and EMP. The EMP disables player abilities, forcing you to stay mobile and adapt as it strikes from above. |
Objective-Oriented Units
Enemy | Description | |
Slicer | A fast, agile unit with a damaging laser, focusing on attacking objectives over players. They swarm targets to quickly break down defenses, swift elimination is crucial to protect mission objectives from their assaults. | |
Breacher | A heavily armored unit designed for explosive damage. Slow-moving but durable, the Breacher carries an explosive charge that detonates upon reaching its target, dealing significant area damage. Stopping it before it reaches key points is essential to avoid massive destruction. |
Enemy | Description | |
Charger | A large, tanky Null Sector unit known for its brutal charge, rushing forward to smash through anything in its path. Equipped with a high-spread machine gun, Charger can unleash heavy firepower, making it a major threat at close and medium range. |