Hero Escape.
Ver: 2.1
- Blizzard World
- Numbani (harder option)
[more in future version]
Try to go to the finish line with all of 11 random Hero.
You need to avoid all orb (red, blue, green), all orbs have different radius (Sombra first hero can see that radius)
(i add it coz many player do not understand what "kills" them)
If you reach finish line u get new hero and set in Top10 list
You can use skills to avoid orbs, if orb "see you" then will attack.
You can block (barrier) only red orb, blue penetrates through the shield
- RED: does damage (u can block it)
- BLUE: does damage + slows down
- GREEN: debuff (reduce speed/health random)
You can leave comment for me in here: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/game-mode-hero-escape/434134
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