
Pigfection's Money System Integration v1.0

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

A Small Money System integration which allows people to earn coins/currency for shops/items that other creators want to add.

Short Demonstration Video

Version 1.0.0

Workshop Settings
Kill Gives Coins: Toggleable
Determines whether final blows earn coins for players

Assisting Gives Coins: Toggleable
Determines whether eliminations earns players coins

Damage Gives Coins: Toggleable
Determines whether dealing damage earns players coins

Healing Gives Coins: Toggleable
Determines whether dealing healing earns players coins

Kill Coins: Number
If Kill Gives Coins is active, determines how many coins are given per final blow

Assist Coins: Number
If Assisting Gives Coins is active, determines how many coins are given per elimination

Damage Coins: Number
If Damage Gives Coins is active, determines how many coins are given per 1 damage dealt

Healing Coins: Number
If Healing Gives Coins is active, determines how many coins are given per 1 health healed

Assembling Heroes: Toggleable
Determines whether money is reset while players are picking their heroes

Setup: Toggleable
Determines whether money is reset while players are in setup stage (Pre-Game)

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