
Dorado Dungeon

Get together as up to 5 players in order to beat the bosses of Dorado! Acquire loot on your way to victory!

The Photon Magistrix is attempting to acquire dominion over Dorado. With her time manipulation and photonic powers, she intends to rebuild the place according to her design.

At the start, you get mistaken for the Magistrix' guards by the Infiltrator, a stealthy individual who attempts to shut down whoever she comes across on her mission to stop the Magistrix.

Afterwards, face off against the Psychic Guard who's keeping the power of the Magistrix safe from outsiders. Players are linked by the Guard, so make sure to stay near them to not disrupt the bond between you.

Finally, face off the Magistrix who won't give in no matter how many times you attempt to stop her plans. Time is on her side, and you will need to act quickly to bring her down.

Easy │ Normal │ Hard │ Mythic

Boss List

  1. The Infiltrator
  2. Psychic Guard
  3. The Photon Magistrix

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