
Mercy Vs Rein: Warzone

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This is a spin off of the Mercy Vs Rein: Hide/Run And Seek. Some years back a few of us jokingly made this preset in a lesser version and I loved it. I picked it up and made it my own preset. This is 6v6 chaos and death. You can pick between Mercy or Rein on both teams. (Movement is 300% speed for both.)

For Mercy:
Melee hero, has the custom ability "Hold Soul" and unlike the Hide/Run preset, she does have her ultimate.
All three of her activate-abilities will reset (Resurrect, Hold Soul, Ultimate) on a single melee hit. Her passive abilies are Backstab and Boop; you're able to oneshot a Reinhardt from behind or the melee will attempt to send him skyward if it's not a backstab. How 'Hold Soul' works: A black circle is visiable around dead allies soul's and to use this ability you stand within the circle and press Secondary Fire. This will start the 60 second CD, pick up the soul and you hold it just beneath your eye level of where your character aims so it's out of view and doesn't blind you when attempting to resurrect it either. To resurrect the soul you're holding you need to look downward at it to see it and then press your resurrect button, it's possible to revive in the air too! Mercy will one-shot an enemy mercy with a single melee. She will two-shot an enemy Rein if the melee isn't from behind.

For Rein:
Melee/Ranged hero, has the custom ability "Super Jump" and the "Slam Down" for his ultimate similar to the Hide/Run preset. A single kill will reset his Ultimate charge and Super Jump. His Firestrike CD has been signficantly reduced in comparison to the Hide/Run preset. Most abilities will oneshot an enemy Rein, except a glancing blow of charge/ult. All abilities will one-shot an enemy Mercy.

Pressing Secondary Fire as either hero will check on their custom ability CD (Super Jump / Hold Soul).

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