
Sightseeing - Find the location - Paris

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.


Inspired by Foren's "Where is it?" gamemode. You're given a location on the map, your goal is to find this location. Test your map knowledge, compete against friends, and learn new things about the map you may not have known.

How to play

  1. Look at your current objective by holding Secondary Fire [Right Click].
  2. Find the objective around the map.
  3. Press Interact [F] when you believe you've found the correct location. Missing causes you to be stunned for 2 seconds.
  4. Repeat from step 1 until you've found all 30 locations.

From level 15 you will receive a jump boost, allowing you to reach new locations.

Supports up to 6 players. Other players are invisible to not give away anything while searching. Sigma is chosen as the only playable hero due to him being silent when moving around.

Teleporters can be found to get in and out of spawn rooms. Simply walk on the orange circle and you will get teleported.

Some locations might require you to listen to the environment.


  • View objective Secondary Fire [Right Click].
  • View previous objectives Hold Secondary Fire and press Primary Fire.
  • Select location Interact [F].
  • Sprint Ability 1 [Shift].

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