
Gun Game Rebooted

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

A recreated version of Gun Game for Overwatch 2.

My aim with recreating this classic game mode from scratch is to practice coding in Workshop and to give people a balanced and entertaining game mode designed specifically for the current version of Overwatch 2, as of the time this workshop code was posted here.

You must get a kill with every hero in the game. Every time you get a kill, you advance to the next hero. The order of the Heroes is as follows, starting from 0 points and going up to 34 points:

-- Starting Line ------------------
-- 0-16: DPS heroes --------------
0) Soldier 76
1) Tracer
2) Reaper
3) Sombra
4) Symmetra
5) Junkrat
6) Torbjorn
7) Echo
8) Mei
9) Widowmaker
10) Bastion
11) Sojourn
12) Phara
13) Ashe
14) Cassidy
15) Hanzo
16) Genji
-- 17-24: Support heroes ---------
17) Baptiste
18) Kiriko
19) Ana
20) Brigitte
21) Lucio
22) Zenyatta
23) Moira
24) Mercy
-- 25-34: Tank heroes ------------
25) Junker Queen
26) Wrecking Ball
27) Doomfist
29) Orisa
30) Zarya
31) Sigma
32) Winston
33) Roadhog
34) Reinhardt
-- Finish Line --------------------

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