
Stella Made (Alpha) V-0.4

-This is still a Alpha so some thing may set to change in future -

This game is set to be my own version of overwatch If I made it myself (It's overwatch but if I made it somewhat Insane)
Yes I am the only one working on this project so please give me a chance to try and balance the game out as well so this discription might be a little sloppy



The main goal is to capture all zones before the other team does

"Assault Game mode is only temp but not to worry I am working on a way to have it ballance for other modes so please be patient with me merci"

Avalable Hero's

Some abilitys may change soon


  • Dva no Longer has Tokki

  • Holding down Crouch button for 3 seconds will switch to Tokiva
    Dva gains tokki's original Health added with her normal health
    Does 60% more damage

  • While Dva having a really huge buffs she does also have some Nerfs as well
    Projectil speed decressed to 30
    Movement speed decressed to 30
    Squish Ult Progress resets if you get heals
    You can't sneeze even if you have to

  • Press the punch button will activate Dva GO GO GO
    Dva gets double her normal health
    Projectile Speed Incressed to 80%_
    Speed Incressed to 60%
    Self repair for 10 hpo
    Damage decressed only doing 15 damage but for every kill you get in this mode will grant you +2 damage until you die

Self Destruct is now SQUISHED
-Using this Ult you can squish you enemys it doesn't do much other than squishing people and getting all your health back instantly but it is still a Ult either way

Roadhog Roadhog

-When roadhog dies he will gain 300% speed for only 2 seconds but he will lose 80% of his health, you won't get it all back you would have to heal and gives you less ammo

-but don't worry everything will go back to normal once the timer is done


Reaper Reaper

  • Mystery ???

  • Mystery ???

  • Mystery ???

Death Blossom is now ???

Note from the creater - You figure it out yourself for the surprise also Reaper mains....Have fun :)

Tracer Tracer


  • Can now get 9 Health back for each blink
  • Can now hug widowmaker

Widowmaker Widowmaker

  • Widowmaker can now grow or shrink in size

Holding the Ult button for 2 seconds to make Widowmaker bigger

  • Growing Beast

    Growing Makes Widowmaker become a giant allowing her to 3 punch any hero that stands in her way
    Widowmaker gets 150% more Health when in Giant mode

Press the Sprey button to make Widowmaker Smaller

  • Smol Creature
    When in Smol form you have 50% Less health than a normal widowmaker but you have faster cooldowns and harder to target

    • Normal Widowmaker Holding down the reload button turns widowmaker back to original size and stats

Widowmaker resets her size, damage, health, and cooldowns but doesn't not reset how big her hugs are :3

Note from the creater - Please don't do anything weird while using Growing mode if it becomes a problem I will have to take it out from the game and swap to something else


Ana Ana

Nano BoostNana's Secret Power
-When giving someone a nano boost you yourself will get one as well

-The slight problem with self nano boost is it will reveal your location for the entire match

Mercy Mercy

Armor PackMercy Water Shield
-When healing Teamates you will gain 2 Shields for every 2 seconds as long as you keep healing a player (Cap is 80 sheild)

Valkyrie When using Valkyrie incresses the amount of shields you gain from 2 shields to now 5 shields for every 2 seconds
-Caduceus Blaster now has 500% faster projectile speed

Illari Illiari

Captive SunHeart Burn
-When you use your ultimate the entire world would slow down for 2 seconds

-There is a rare chance that if illiari uses her Ultimate while in the air, everyone exploads

I really hope you'll enjoy this Alpha release I have been working really hard on it and I promise More Content will be on the way

Questions and Answers? You want them? Its yours my friend

  • Would this gamre crash a lot?

YES IT DEFINALY MIGHT WILL, I am not very good at this workshop but I am learning a lot slowly so hopefully I will be able to fix some problems.

  • Where will I see new updates?

I am very sorry as of right now I don't have any socials to use at the moment my twitter isn't exacaly where I wanna post updates at the moment but there might be a discord server opening soon for it so stay tuned when that drops!

  • Why is it sooooooooooooo messy?

Same reason why my brain is squishy lol I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time

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