The Knockout Platform

The Knockout Platform
The knockout Platform is a platform fighter based on percentage knockback with dynamic movement and recoveries. There is a variety of characters to choose from.
All characters have some base set of skills.
All characters have an empowered melee. It hacks and knocks back opponents. You can use it to cancel windups and push opponents off the map. Winning the melee trades will help you build percentage faster.
Most can use their Primary Fire to build up percent and all characters have a double jump that is refreshed upon touching the ground.
Characters that can wall climb can only do so for 3s before it goes on a cooldown. Attempts to wall climb after will stun and hack them.
Getting knocked up too high will get you hit by the sky barrier. It will stun you and knock you down away from the stage.

Doomfist has both amazing knockback and recovery potential, but are both tied to his two abilities. You'll need to manage your cooldowns to perform well.

This ability can be used for recovery, but also stuns enemies hit and pops them up. The stun duration scales off how damaged the opponent is.

Charge up a punch that deals a great deal of knockback. When charging mid-air you will float, allowing for for a fast recovery.

Junker Queen
Junker Queen has a lackluster range and percentage building but her bleed deals constant knockback. Bleeding an opponent and getting below them will launch them into the roof barrier, usually resulting in death.

Junker Queen's main ranged attack. It applies a constant knockback when thrown or hitting a melee.

Commanding Shout gives a burst of movement speed and also acts as an extra jump when mid-air. Use it for recovery or closing the gap to your opponent.

After a short windup you cut down on your opponent, applying bleed.

Dash forward and apply bleed to opponents hit and builds percent very fast. When used mid-air it also boosts you very far, acting as a solid recovery.

Sigma is a slow heavyweight. He is hard to send off the map and hits back extra hard. His rock is solid to finish off kills, even when the opponent is low percentage.

Start sucking in projectiles and gain a burst of movement speed. When used you also start to slowly float upwards, instantly reversing previous momentum.

Form a rock and throw it and stun any enemies hit. The stun scales of enemy percentage. When used mid-air it acts as another jump.

Push a barrier forward that blocks projectiles.

Start floating and pick a target location. Grab any enemies hit and slam them into the ground, doubling the amount of current percentage they have.

Echo is a fast combo spacer. Use the right distance to push back opponents and apply pressure.

Fire off sticky bombs. They deal knockback on impact and the following explosion.

Dash forward and temporarily gain move speed and flight.

Fire a constant beam of damage and knockback. The reach makes it good for denying recoveries and pushing opponents down or up.

Genji pulls off fast combos to leave his opponents dead before they know what happened.

Enter a stance and deflect incoming projectiles. When used mid-air it acts as a second jump.

Dash forward and mark enemies hit. You can consume the mark to deal knockback by pressing the Interact key anytime. Only 1 mark can be applied at a time and will automatically consume after awhile.

Refresh your dash cooldown and enter an extended melee stance for a few seconds. Each blade hit builds high percentage and deals knockback.

Pharah is a relatively basic character that still has a bunch of depth. Fire rockets and sync them up with a melee to deal tons of knockback in a short time.

Boost into the air a large distance.

Fire a small projectile that launches enemies away from it.

Dash horizontally in your movement direction. Use it to get back to the stage or sync up a rocket punch combo.

Tracer is the most agile character on the roster. Use her blinks to setup melee combos and overwhelm your opponent with speed.

Teleport a short distance forward. Acts as a mini-jump if used mid-air.

Reverse time to put yourself back to a previous position.

Throw a bomb that sticks to opponents. Enemies hit are stunned based on enemy percentage. Acts as a large jump when used mid-air.

Widowmaker dismantles her opponents with good aim and spacing. Use your abilities to gain distance and shut down recovery attempts.

Use your sniper rifle to build percent on your opponent. Charge time does not affect anything. Hitting a headshot deals extra percentage, stuns the opponent, and puts your rifle on a short cooldown.

Throw out a hook to pull yourself to surfaces. Good for recovery.

Throw a trap on the ground. Enemies who trigger it are constantly pushed away from you.

Gain wallhacks for a few seconds and jump up very high if used mid-air. During the ultimate duration your gravity is heavily reduced.

A floaty fighter that is hard to get a hold of. Lucio moves in and out of combat very fast and has some very good recovery. Hitting a punch boop combo can send your opponents flying.

For a few seconds gain speed, reduced gravity, and when used mid-air it acts as a jump.

Boop close enemies away, dealing large knockback.

Jump up a large amount and then shoot yourself forward very fast. Good for getting back to the stage.