
20 Rock Hard Mercys

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Fight against 20 Mercy bots in this PvE game mode.

All those Mercys you let die while you continued to yell for heals? Well they're here (or maybe some of them depending on how terrible you are) and they're bout ready to clap them cheeks - revenge style.

Based on the original Rein Invasion by StalkerPL (K2CPO)

Modified by me, PONYGIRLǃ#1424

Wall color by GIGGLEMAN (DMFN6)

Feel free to message me if you think something should be changed/adjusted. The max health, damage dealt, etc for each hero is still being worked through to make sure that it's still semi fun and challenging with up to 12 players.

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