
throw mines around and telepathically will your enemies into walking into them
now you too can enjoy the calm soundscape of clacking high heels and coughing french women!

game details

  • stepping on a mine will slowly kill you. take a healthpack to stop it.
  • you have lifesteal (30% by default)
  • left click to see mine radius around you
  • you get a speed boost & shorter grapple cooldown during ult. and a cool aura!
  • toggle 3rd person with interact (crosshair accurate)

custom settings

name default
grapple cooldown 3.5s
grapple cooldown (during ult) 2.5s
lifesteal multiplier (x*damage dealt) x = 0.3
speed during ult 135%

note: if you see the mine cd slider in settings, it doesn't work :v

aiming's overrated

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