
Driveable Tank Elimination

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

This gamemode doesn't work correctly in Overwatch 2 and it can't be fixed.

Driveable Tank Elimination is like normal Elimination, but each team has 2 tank Bastions they can drive! Each tank requires 2 players for full control.

The Tanks

Each team gets 2 driveable tanks at the start of each round. Each tank needs a player to drive and a player to control the gun. In a tank with only one player you can switch between the roles by holding jump.

Driver Abilities

  • The driver controls the tank's movement
  • Driving into an enemy player knocks them back and does damage
  • The driver can use their primary fire to activate a speed boost
  • The speed boost can only be used for a limited time and makes it more difficult to turn
  • Ramming enemy tanks at full boost speed stuns and damages them

Gunner Abilities

  • The gunner controls the tank's gun
  • They can also use their secondary fire to peek
  • While peeking the gunner can use their hero's weapons and abilities, but they can also be damaged
  • Since the gunner's secondary fire button is used to peek they can use their secondary fire by pressing the melee button

Other Tank Stuff

  • The primary tank weapon is slow, but does much more damage than a regular tank Bastion
  • When a tank is destroyed it explodes and does signficant damage to anyone nearby on either team
  • Tanks can't be revived, but they can be healed
  • Tanks recieve reduced knockback
  • Tanks can't be hooked and stop Reinhardt's charge
  • Damaging someone with a tank gives them a temporary outline that's visible through walls and changes colors based on their health
  • If all of the real players on a team die their tanks will self destruct to end the round
  • Any number of players can enter a tank, but only the first 2 players can control it

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