

The orisa volunteered to be Hanzo's mount during the war! Free the world from global threats.


This game mode features a fun team deatchmatch, where players play as Hanzo and use an Orisa mount. The Orisa will help the player eliminate enemies.

This code is a rework of my previous code, now with the Orisa's features.

  • The Orisa automatically attacks enemies that are close.

  • The Orisa can be eliminated to destabilize the enemy by taking down their protection.

  • When Hanzo is eliminated, the Orisa will enter self-destruct mode (because it has lost connection with its "creator") and will use its ultimate ability to try to catch enemies off guard.

  • The Hanzo uses movement to control the Orisa (including facing direction), except in moments of combat, the Orisa will face the enemy.

  • Press the weapon reload button to activate Orisa's shield and javelin spin, which can be used offensively or to escape Orisa's self-destruction.

Demonstration (before rework):

Players | 1 - 8
Tags: battle
Heroes: Orisa, Hanzo
Created at:
Last updated:
Current version: 1.0.0

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