
Mimic Domination by krooninator#2321

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Domination Ruleset:

  • After a final blow you mimic the hero that was killed

  • For each kill you get a domination point.

  • Upon reaching 2 domination points a player becomes the** Dominator**. (Domination phase)

  • In domination mode only the dominator can be damaged.

  • Once in domination mode, all other players loose their domination points.

  • The dominator has increased health, depending on the amount of players.

  • The dominator has to kill a randomly designated target to get more domination points. All other kills don't generate points

  • Once the limit of domination points is reached, the game is won.

  • Every time a player reaches domination mode the limit of points is lowered by one.

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