
⬇hDropper - Minecraft Dropper Variation by halsey#11278

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hDropper by halseyislife is a gamemode based on Minecraft's classic Dropper gamemode!

While keeping the idea of falling with an objective, I created my own variation.


  • Randomly generated levels - I made a function to randomly map out the points.
  • Player Score - As you fall you collect green orbs that add 100 to your score.
  • Red Orbs - In every difficulty except Easy[0] red orbs spawn that will deduct 150 from your score.
  • Difficulty - Changes the random generation to up the ante! Changes range of radii, chance of red versus green, and cluster size!
  • Difficulties - Easy, Normal, Hard, Nightmare!


  • Owner - Presses interact to change difficulty.
  • Custom Gravity - You can change your own gravity WHILE AT GROUND LEVEL by Primary Fire and Secondary Fire to increase or decrease the difficulty for yourself[default = 3]

I will post pictures of each different difficulty soon :)
I hope you guys enjoy this gamemode as much as I do!

Love - halseyislife

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Players | 1 - 12
Categories: Miscellaneous
Heroes:, Junker Queen, Orisa, Reinhardt, Roadhog, and 29 more...
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Current version: 1.0.0

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