Laser Tag
This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.
A fast pace rumble with faster fire rate and lasers. Each hit counts as 1 point. Headshots are doubled. Each hit while using a scope counts as 5 hits The player with the most points at the end of the match wins!
Abilities Enabled:
- Sleep Dart
- Ultimate Ability (Nano Boost)
Points per hit (pph): 1
- Play around corners.
- Prioritize your Sleep Dart against heroes using their ultimate (ie. Soldier: 76's Tactical Visor).
- While using your Nano Boost, hit as many opponents as possible since your hit points are doubled when Nano Boost is Active.
Abilities Enabled:
- Coach Gun
- Ultimate Ability (B.O.B.)
Points per hit (pph) no scope: 1
Points per hit (pph) scoped: 5
- Keep the high ground and stay as far as possible from everyone.
- Use your Coach Gun to reach high places, or to disengage from an opponent.
- Use B.O.B. to eliminate opponents to cancel their ult charge.
Abilities Enabled
- Defense Matrix
- Ultimate Ability (Call Mech)
Points per hit (pph): 1
- Charge your ultimate as fast as possible, you are very vulnerable without your M.E.K.A..
- While using your M.E.K.A., rush other opponents before they can get their ult.
- Health Regneration isn't as effective while inside your M.E.K.A. than it is outside of your M.E.K.A., so keep cover when your health is low while inside your M.E.K.A..
Abilities Enabled:
- Ultimate Ability (Valkyrie)
- Caduceus Blaster Only
Points per hit: 1
- Mercy's fire rate is much slower than D.Va's, so it's best to play around corners while still hitting as many opponents as possible
- While using Valkyrie, stay as high as possible, while still hitting your shots, to get the best advantage
- While using Valkyrie, and you find an enemy that is by themself, pressure them and cancel their ult charge.
Soldier: 76
Abilities Enabled:
- Sprint
- Ultimate Ability (Tactical Visor)
Points per hit (pph): 1
- Use your Sprint to disengage away from sticky situations
- Use your Tactical Visor to heal yourself and gain an advantage against everyone else, with aim lock.
Abilities Enabled:
- Teleporter
- Ultimate Ability (Photon Barrier)
- Secondary Fire
Points per hit (pph) primary fire: 1
Points per hit (pph) secondary fire: 1
- Symmetra's fire rate is very fast, try pressuring any opponent you see.
- If an opponent is too far, you can use Secondary Fire to hit the opponent
- Use Photon Barrier and weave around the barrier to block any of the opponent's hits.
Abilities Enabled:
- Venom Mine
- Ultimate Ability (Infra-Sight)
Points per hit (pph) no scope: 1
Points per hit (pph) scoped: 5
- Hit as many headshots as you can, since they are worth 10 hit points
- Place a Venom Mine on a hard-to-spot area to trap an opponent, and gain some extra hit points
- Use Infra-Sight as soon as posiible to mark down any opponent
Abilities Enabled:
- Partical Barrier
- Ultimate Ability (Graviton Surge)
- Secondary Fire
Points per hit (pph): 1
- Use your Partical Barrier to block any oncoming hits and gain more damage
- Stay as close as possible to any opponent to gain a lot of hit points
- Use Graviton Surge to get an extra bit of hit points
- When firing your Graviton Surge remember to aim at eye level or lower, since projectile speed is maxed out and projectile gravity is zero.
Patch Notes
To view changes to the game mode, please check the update log.