
Parry and Riposte by EliasKayden#2268

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.


Your ultimate is replaced by a Parry. Parrying an attack will negate the damage, knock the attacker down, heal you and give you buffs.

Parry mechanics:

  1. When you are "parrying" you have a Frozen status effect.
  2. Being attacked while parrying will end the parry and:
    • Remove the Frozen status effect;
    • {Heal} you;
    • Give you damage and speed boost (indicated by Burning status effect);
    • Give you a Riposte buff;
    • Knock the attacker down;

Riposte mechanics

  1. When you start parrying, you gain a multiplier that drops from 150% to 100% over the course of the parry window.
  2. Parrying an attack will halt that multiplier.
  3. If that attack would have dealt lethal damage, the multiplier is increased by flat 20%.
  4. Damaging the player whose attack you parried will:
    • Deal increased damage based on that multiplier;
    • Additionally {Heal} you based on that multiplier;
    • Remove the Riposte buff.

Heroes, their damage modifiers (basic attack dmg) and additional changes:
No ranged attacks (except Roadhogs hook)

  • Genji - 40% (48) - HP is increased to 220, Permanent Dragonblade.
  • Reinhardt - 76% (57) - HP is reduced to 350; receives 10% less damage from any source.
  • Brigitte - 120% (42) - HP is increased to 275, No Inspire passive; no Repair packs, can "break" the parry with Shield Bash.
  • Doomfist - 100% - HP is reduced to 200; cooldowns are lower, No rocket punch.
  • Mercy - 150% (45) - HP is increased to 240, healing is reduced to 40%. (Disabled until further notice.)
  • Roadhog - 140% (42) - HP is reduced to 360; regenerates 4 hp/s; hook has much lower CD.
  • Sombra - 150% (45) - limited stealth(4 sec), regenerates ~30% of missing hp while invisible; +30% movement speed; can "backstab" for additional dmg (18-36 based on targets missing HP, delayed after 0.4 sec hack), backstabbing with Riposte will Hack the enemy for 2 seconds.
  • Winston - 110% (44) - Permanent Primal Rage, HP is reduced to 350.

Numbers and stats:

  • Parry window = 0.6 sec.
  • Parry cooldown = 2.5 sec from the start of parry.
  • Knock down duration = 1.25 sec.
  • Buffs duration = 2.5 sec.
  • Buff amount = +25%.
  • Riposte max multiplier = +50%.
  • {Heal} amount = 45.

Third person camera is available. Activate by emoting "Hello". Note: some sound effects don't play when in 3rd person mode.

Supported gamemodes:

  • Anything really, but the best suited are TDM and Eliminations.
  • I playtest in Skirmish.

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