
Update Log for Avengers Endgame Bossbattle (11)

about 3 years ago

Dear, players

Since my co-creator has dissapeared, I have gave up on this mode i while ago. However, I will be starting slowly adding patches in the future such as balance and editing agent abilities.


As you can see I have not updated this game in very long time but I am sure the newest updates will be coming up during november. Stay tuned!

changes in the page for this code!


Revised Hud and Changed Some heroes abilities!!

Sorry being late on the update xD

almost 4 years ago

Wakandan warrior (baptiste)

-primary fire vibranium spear tip blaster now has a little delay between the two blasts

Ironman (pharah)

-an extra ability called micro rockets can now be fired by pressing interact.
-fixed a bug where her camera view doesnt change when using the energy shield

Wasp (tracer)

-a new ultimate called "pym suit manipulation" was added. This ability shrinks all of her teammates for 5 seconds.
-removed enhanced punch which was melee. Melee is now replaced with a wrist blaster.

Bucky (mccree)

-The yellow glowing effect when using his ultimate M249 is now only visible for the player. This gives him a less risk of getting spotted and allows him to deal more damage.

Spiderman (widowmaker)

-removed wing suit
-now spiderman can use grappling webs every 1 second by pressing secondary fire
-grappling webs now have a melee animation
-you can not shoot your web shooter anymore during spiderman's ultimate Iron Spider Legs

Captain Marvel (Zarya)

-when a landing spot is selected for her ultimate Energy Kamikaze, she now falls 2 times faster toward the landing spot.

Rocket the raccoon (wreckingball)

-now has a better flight animation


-fixed a bug where some heros have to die and respawn to cancel their original ult

almost 4 years ago

-Added Baptiste/Wakadan Warrior

Baptiste/Wakadan Warrior

  • leftclick = Two rounds of vibranium spear tip blasters

  • rightclick = Vibranium cape shield

  • shift = Vibranium heal that heals nearby allies to their max health instantly

  • crouch = Vibranium sneakers that gives the player instant boost jump up into the air

  • ultimate = Combat mode, allows the player to move faster, deal more damage and take less damage for a short period of time

almost 4 years ago

Reverted the burst damage at the beggining of the Second ability
20-> 10

-Ana/Nick Fury
Reverted the speed decrease for Microemp

almost 4 years ago

-Zenyatta/Doctor Strange
Removed first ability

Nerfed her passive by 5

almost 4 years ago

-Ana/Nick Fury
Increased the radius of microemp
Increased the duration if Doom is hacked by 1sec
If Doom is hacked with microemp, his speed now decreases to 85%

Her rightclick now gives credit

Her seond ability now does 2 times impact damage
Rescue packs last 0.5 sec longer and they have a decreased delay

almost 4 years ago

-Brigitte/ Captain America
Nerfed all instance of dmagae with her primary by 1
Removed her healing with armour pack

Increase the cooldown for her secondary 2sec longer
Increase the healing one her secondary by 100

-Doom/ Thanos
Mind Stone : Sleep now only effects people infront of you
Space stone: teleport infront of your enemies and explode them

-Bastion/Iron Patroir Suit II
Ultimate is now a unibeam

almost 4 years ago

Added small blue ring to Echo's right click ability

Added Sombra/Mantis


  • Passive heals every all on the map
    Mantis senses emotional pain and heals everyone

  • Right click heals a single target and removeas all cc
    Mantis empathises with other people and cleanses their brain

  • First Ability Sleeps Thanos in LOS

  • Second ability targets a single ally and gives them 100hp and 5% ult charge
    Mantis cheers up the person motivating them to fight

  • Ultimate
    Heals everyone for 200 and gives everyone 20% ult charge
    Ultimate therepy!

almost 4 years ago
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