
Update Log for Kill to Grow 👑 (32)

The Pyramid

New seasonal (or not) feature.

Every map now has a pyramid. Use emote to climb up the pyramid. While you are standing at the very top, you get +1 exp for ANY death in the game (no matter who did the elimination). The pyramid also charges your ult very quickly to help you defend your position. Stay on top of the world and don't let others get close!

  • The pyramid grows every time a level 5+ player dies
  • Don't use "sit" emotes as they won't allow you to stay on top
  • The pyramid is useless for level 20+ players
  • You can disable the pyramid in the Workshop settings

Welcome to the Junkyard

Introducing a new experiment in Kill to Grow.

The daytime version of the map turned into a Junkyard with giant bastions.

This completely changes the perception of the map, since now you can't see all the players on the field at once. This makes snipers less dangerous. And it's harder for fast heroes to pick up all power-ups as soon as they spawn.

Please note that the placement of obstacles is slightly different for each player due to technical difficulties. So just because you're hidden inside trash doesn't guarantee that you're invisible to everyone.

You can easily disable Junkyard in the Workshop settings.

Winter event in Kill to grow

Since the amount of code in custom games is limited, I decided to cut out some of the old content to add something new. I will rotate content in the future depending on your feedback.

The Old Gods have been temporarily removed from the game since they're… old.
New features related to the winter season will be available for a limited time.

Build a snowman

If you are playing on the day version of the map, you have the option to build a snowman!
Sometimes snow appears in a special place on the map. Simply use emote in this area to start building your snowman. He starts at level 1 and you can build him up to level 100! I highly recommend using looped emotions like dancing or sitting.

The bigger you are, the faster you build a snowman. You also build faster by teaming up with other players. Why would you do this? Because the snowman gives presents to everyone!

From time to time, the snowman creates random power-ups around himself. The bigger he is, the more presents he creates. In addition, you get armor for building a snowman.

We all know that there will always be players who want to ruin everyone's fun and destroy the snowman. Destroying the largest snow globe gives exp depending on the snowman's level. As long as the large bottom snow globe exists, you will be able to use emote to heal the snowman and restore the other two snow globes. The headless snowman doesn't spawn gifts, so you'll need to protect your new friend well.

But the snowman is not as helpless as it might seem at first glance. He can fight back against enemies after reaching level 5. If you build him big enough, he can become your big brother, protecting you if you stand close to him. Use the snowman as a huge turret, hide inside like a bunker, or climb to the very top using a grappling hook (Interaction button). There are many other situations in which a snowman can be useful. Try to find out for yourself!

Frosty touch

New seasonal pickup buff. You can only get this as a gift from the Snowman or by winning at the Casino.

Frosty Touch allows your melee attack to freeze enemies for 3 seconds. You need to level up to use it again (just like Hocus Pocus).

Try your luck!

Now there are two versions of the map - day and night. You can change the time of day manually in the map settings or simply by restarting the game.

Old Gods are only available on the day version of the map. But the night version has something more exciting...

Welcome to the Casino!

Sometimes a casino appears on the night map. This is a special place where you can hide and play to win valuable prizes.

Just press the button in the center of the room with a melee attack. Three random symbols will appear on the screen. If two of them match, you win the reward! The reward depends on the symbol type.

If all three symbols match, you win the Jackpot! Be careful, as other players may steal your prize before you get to it.

But if you don't get a single pair of symbols, then it will cost you half of your maximum HP. The bigger you are, the more you risk. Please note that you cannot play in the casino after level 20.

Good luck!

Play who you want to play

New pickup item - Trash Can. As you know, pressing [Q] + [E] allows you to remove the current hero from your hero pool if you don't want to play them. But the number of removals is limited to 16 heroes. By collecting trash cans, you can remove up to 26 heroes!

Currently this is the rarest item in the game. But you have a good chance of winning it at the casino.

Small talk is back

When two players use voice lines next to each other, they both get a small amount of EXP. This can be very useful for level 1 players. Small Talk only triggers once with every other player until one of them respawns. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk to the same hero twice. Make sure you are close enough to another player when interacting with them.

Teaming up? Risky

If two or more players team up, it's only a matter of time before they dominate the lobby. I don't want to punish players for not killing their friends. Instead, I want to give other players more options to kill giants.

If there is more than one giant in the game, the chance of spawning Mega Punch, Blackout, and Starter Pack is highly increased. This should help you reduce the number of giants. Or at least make their game more intense...

When a player reaches level 20 and becomes a peaceful giant, they do not count towards the total number of giants.

The treasure hunt is back

  1. Grab the treasure map.
  2. Open it after respawn.
  3. Find the spray on the ground and dig up the treasure with your Melee to get a bunch of EXP! The more players in the game, the more EXP you will find.

If you found a spray but can't dig up the treasure, you probably found another player's spray. Therefore, it is better to equip any non-default sprays on your heroes.

All You Need Is Love

[Valentine's Day Update]

Love is a new pickup power-up. It gives you free EXP as long as you remain peaceful (do not damage other players). The amount of EXP is limited. If you pick up Love, it is also given to all players in a small radius. This motivates them all to stay peaceful for a while. Have another reason to take a breath in the middle of a fight!

Spirits can go beyond the boundaries of the map

Each time you level up as a Spirit, you will be able to go a certain distance outside the blue circle. This distance will increase with each level.
Please note that the maximum radius will not allow you to reach the edge of the map and fall into the water.

Balance fixes

Ana's damage is slightly reduced, but she can use Biotic Grenade more often. Sleep Dart's cooldown is very low and changes dynamically depending on which target you hit. The higher the level of the target, the longer the cooldown.

Junkrat's projectile speed has been increased so that he can finally hit anything.

Doomfist has become even more mobile, and his ultimate allows him to stay in the air longer.

Junker Queen, Cassidy, and Ramattra also received minor buffs.


Are you tired of the sniper shooting you from afar? Do you have a mega punch but can't get close to a giant? There is a solution!

Blackout, a new pickup item. Take this and your next headshot will blind the target. The enemy will not see almost anything for 10 seconds. Use this confusion and carry out your plans!

Since some heroes do not have the ability to deal critical damage (for example, Ana, Symmetra or Reinhardt), any hit on the enemy will activate the blind effect.

Become a Spirit and get Minions

Let me present you a new reward for winners who have reached level 20. Now you can hold [Reload] and become a fast immortal flying Spirit. Here is what you get:

  • Incorporeality. This means that you cannot deal or receive damage. Also, other players can pass through you and even hide inside!
  • Flying. When you become a Spirit, you immediately gain wings. Unlike ordinary giants, you can fly to any height.
  • Speed. You are three times faster than other players.
  • Minions (not those yellow ones). You can give other players a Blessing that will give them +1 EXP after each level up. But they do not even realize that they have actually become your minions. Because now you also get +1 EXP every time they level up. In fact, they work for you! You can select one minion at a time by pressing [Interact] while looking at any player with level 1-19. If you forget who you blessed, just press the [E] key to find your minion on the battlefield. Spirits cannot pick up EXP orbs, so minions are the only way for them to gain EXP. Blessings have a long cooldown, so if your minion dies, you won't be able to instantly pick another one. Choose wisely who to bet on!

Starter packs

Introducing a new pickup item! The starter pack allows you to respawn as the specific hero with level 5 next time.

The idea is to make you play heroes you don't normally play by giving you a stronger version of them.

Starter packs are only visible to small players.

The following heroes received buffs:

  • Ramattra
  • Junker Queen
  • Sigma
  • Doomfist
  • Ashe
  • Cassidy
  • Junkrat
  • Reaper
  • Hanzo

Kiriko's Primary fire now gives her speedboost.

Genji is back in the game, but his dash now has a hidden cooldown.

The Old Gods are back

  • I temporarily fixed a bug with emotes, so the Old Gods and the Emote = EXP zone are back in the game.
  • Orisa became the new old god instead of Symmetra
  • Now the Reinhardt old god stuns all players on the field, except for the summoner. Jump a second before his hammer strike to avoid being stunned.
  • Fixed a bug with low HP of summoned items like turrets, Symmetra's wall or Bob.

Mercy can res smaller players

You have 1 second to press E and resurrect all dead players within unlimited radius. You can only res players of the same or lower level. Res your enemies to kill them one more time or become a guardian angel for your friends. The bigger player you resurrect, the longer cooldown will be.

Lots of buffs for unpopular heroes including Kiriko and Junker Queen.

New bugs unlocked

After the release of Overwatch 2, some of the mode's functionality does not work (Emote = exp, Old Gods, Treasure Hunt, Quests, and even user interface). Also, the hero balance became completely broken. Unfortunately, since the Workshop is currently unavailable, I can't fix it. Please be patient until the Workshop becomes available again.
Until that time, I removed Sombra and Genji from the hero pool. However, I need your feedback on the new heroes in the Kill to Grow.


  • Broken features like Old Gods and Emote = EXP are temporarily hidden.
  • The maximum number of heroes you can ban has increased by 3

Small talk for small heroes

I love how players feel when they can stop the fight and peacefully use emotes near each other. I want more communications like these. That's why I added a new feature called Small Talk.

When two players use voice lines next to each other, they both get a small amount of EXP. This can be very useful for level 1 players. Small Talk only triggers once with every other player until one of them respawns. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk to the same hero twice. Make sure you are close enough to another player when interacting with them.

Hero balance

I keep experimenting with heroes whose effectiveness depends on the size of their hitboxes.

  • Junkrat's ult became similar to D.Va's. It will stun instead of dealing damage. But at the same time, Junkrat became stronger at higher levels.
  • Symmetra is strong again, but now she is forced to recharge her beam more often at high levels.
  • Doomfist has become more efficient
  • Moira is now stronger at low levels and her orbs got faster
  • Reinhardt can use charge more often
  • Soldier's ult has become less effective
  • Genji can use his ult and dash less frequently, but instead, he can deflect attacks more often
  • Bastion heals better at higher levels
  • Tracer can use recall much more often

Bug fixes:

  • Using voice lines no longer interrupts earning EXP in the "Emote = EXP" zone
  • Fixed a bug that allowed to keep speed boost after switching heroes

Treasure Hunt

Meet an unexpected crossover between Kill to Grow and my other game mode called Where is it!

Want to find some treasure?

First, you need to find a treasure map. You will be able to open the map only after the next respawn. The location of the treasure is marked with a spray. Find your spray on the battlefield and use Melee to dig it up. Treasure chest gives a huge amount of EXP. The more players in the game, the more EXP you will find!

Please note that you cannot change heroes during the treasure hunt. And don't place another spray on the ground because the original spray will disappear. Good luck!

Reinhardt and Roadhog old gods

Two more old gods have awakened. And these two are really huge!

Other changes:

  • Lucio became super fast
  • Zarya gets a speed boost while using shields
  • some other unpopular heroes are buffed

Hocus Pocus!

How many times have you been killed during an emote or just a second before leveling up? With a new power-up called Hocus Pocus, you can get out of any unpleasant situation. Pick up the new power-up and use Crouch to disappear like Houdini. After a couple of seconds, you will appear in another random place on the battlefield. The good news is that this ability is restored after each level up!

Symmetra and Sigma old gods

The minions have awakened two more old gods from their sleep. Let's see how strong they are.

Other changes:

  • added indicators of the player's current buffs at the top left
  • Mei and Junkrat old gods reworked
  • Mercy can now use Shift
  • cutscenes are shorter now

The old gods have awakened

Ancient prophecies said it would happen, but no one believed it. Dark gods rise from the ground and give their power to those who serve them well.

New game mechanics! Shadows of old gods appear on the battlefield from time to time. Emote near these shadows to summon the old gods. For every second of worship, you earn favor points. If you get killed, you will lose half of the points. When the old god is summoned into this world, he will give his power to the player with the most favor points.

Once you have been chosen, you can use your melee to mark a target for the old god. Manage to destroy your enemies before the old god leaves this world!

The only way to kill the old god is to kill all of his followers. When you kill the player with the most favor, the old god gives his power to the next player with the most favor.

There are 9 old gods in total with different abilities. Use them to teach big players a lesson. There's always a bigger fish.

You can disable the old gods in the game settings.

Unfortunately, due to the addition of new mechanics, all non-workshop maps have become unavailable. But you can still play the old version of the mode on all maps with this code: M100E

Other changes

Moira now has an alternate ability. She periodically launches slow biotic orbs when using the right mouse button. You launch more orbs at higher levels.

Sombra can no longer use the translocator outside of the map. Translocator cooldown increased. Sombra loses invisibility when leveling up.

Torbjorn's turret self-destructs after the first kill. The turret cooldown has decreased.

Pharah's ult deals less damage.

Roadhog has less HP at the start.

Doomfist has become more mobile but deals less damage

When the player wins a second time, the victory and transformation animations are shorter.

"Crouch 20 seconds" quest now requires crouching for 10 seconds but gives half exp.

Time to fly

A new blue orb called "Wings" allows you to fly like a bird and kill your opponents from the skies. Hold the Space bar to get off the ground. The smaller you are, the higher you can fly. But don't fly too high, the sun can burn you!

The total number of spawning orbs has been increased

Patient giants

Now, one random shot is not enough to anger the peaceful giant and give him the ability to kill everyone around. You need to deal more than 100 damage to the giant before he can attack.

Zen has some experience

Unbelievable! Zenyatta can now create EXP orbs by simply pressing Shift. This ability is perfect for Zen's character.
So, you will receive 1 charge of the ability after each level. But only one Zen orb can be created on the field at the same time. So pick them up before they disappear! Or share them with other players.

No more OP ults

I've reworked the most controversial heroes to make their ults less deadly, but still useful.

Deadeye no longer deals damage but knocks down opponents for a few seconds. The later you pull the trigger, the longer the stunning effect will last.

Mech's explosion deals significantly less damage but also knocks enemies down. D.Va's mech has become much more tanky and mobile. But after turning into a Baby D.Va and back, she does not restore HP to the maximum.

Gravitic Flux now deals significantly less damage to large targets. In return, Sigma received more stones to throw at enemies.

Other changes

Double Shields for Zarya

It's unfair that Zarya has one unused barrier charge for an ally and cannot do anything with it in deathmatch. Projected Barrier charge now counts as another Particle Barrier charge. Both charges are used by the same button.

Widowmaker can now use the grappling hook to grab onto the air.

Orisa runs faster while in golden form.

And a huge variety of other smaller balance changes to improve weak heroes.

Quest system

I was looking for new ways to diversify the game and make it more fun. So I decided to add a quest system.

From time to time, you will see a quest at the top of the screen. Complete this quest to receive exp as a reward.

There are various quests like "Deal 1000 damage to the biggest players", "Kill 3 tank heroes" or "Use a spray in the shelter".
The closer the giant is to reaching level 20, the more players will receive the quest to kill him for a huge reward.

Quests are designed to provide more ways to grow and make the game more dynamic. Please note that you have only a few minutes to complete the quest before it disappears.

You can turn off quests in the game settings.

Write ideas for new quests right here in the comments and maybe I'll add them in the next update!

Become a star

"Kill to Grow" is about getting big. But after becoming big, the player loses the goal of the game. I want to motivate the winners to start over from level 1 and continue to compete with other players. This is why I added a new feature.

After becoming a peaceful giant, you can hold down the "R" key (Reload) for 1 second to become a star. You will die after that, but a star with your nickname will appear in the sky. Multiple wins will give you multiple stars. These stars will be visible even if you leave the game, so everyone will know about your victory.

After each respawn, you will receive one additional level for every star you own (up to three free levels). For example, you have reached level 20 three times and created three stars. This means that after each death you will immediately respawn at level 4 (instead of level 1). Each additional star (4th, 5th, etc.) will give an additional +1 exp.

Other changes:

  • Mega Punch slows down the time based on target size.
  • Fixed a bug where the numbers above Sombra's head remained visible during stealth.

Climb the giant

"Attack on Titan" becomes real. All heroes have a grappling hook now!
Press F (Interact button) near the giant to climb on it.

  • You must be level 1-10 to use the grappling hook.
  • The giant must be at least 10 levels bigger than you to be able to hold you.
  • You cannot use the grappling hook at the same time as other abilities.
  • The hook has a small cooldown.
  • You will fall if you hit your carrier.

If you are a giant and someone climbed onto you, just crouch (Ctrl) to get rid of the parasites.

You can cooperate with the giant by becoming a turret on its shoulder (imagine a Bastion flying on Echo). Or hide on the Widow's butt and use a Mega Punch when she least expects it. Keep experimenting!

I hope this feature will entertain you and change the way you see level 20+ players.

Mega Punch

All players in the lobby must work together to defeat the giant. But not all players understand this. That's why the giant becomes unkillable after a certain level.

I want to give a solo player the power to show that a giant is not invincible. And this power is Mega Punch!

You can now pick up a special buff called Mega Punch. When you have it, your next melee will deal damage equal to half of the enemy's current health. No matter how big the enemy is, you can take down half of his HP with one hit. It should inspire other players to attack together. Just wait for the right moment to use your secret weapon.

If you see a player on fire, stay away from him, because that means he has a Mega Punch.

Share your EXP

Say "Hello" while looking at a level 1-3 player to give him 1 EXP. This only works if you have at least one yellow circle at the top left. You can support small players during the attack on the giant. Or, you can become a good giant by giving EXP to your little followers. There are many more ways to use this feature and I'm wondering how it will affect the gameplay.

Please note that you need to wait about 5 seconds after the previous communication before saying "Hello".

P.S. Blue fog is turned off by default as it annoyed players. But it's still available in the game settings

Mysterious fog

Let me introduce a new feature!

The battlefield can now be covered with blue fog. All players become invisible in the fog and gain +50% EXP for kills.

You lose stealth for a short time after receiving or dealing damage. It's hard to find small players in the fog and much easier to spot large ones. All of this should help kill the giants and make the reward more enjoyable.

You can turn off the Fog in the game settings. I need more feedback on this feature to decide whether to make it basic or just optional.

I've also fixed "emote = exp" sparkles so that it takes longer for big players and less time for small players to get exp.

Party time!

I want to make the game even more fun. So I present to you a new way to get EXP!

Yellow sparkles now appear on the battlefield. Use any emote inside these sparkles to get EXP!
You get 1 EXP for every second you perform an emote. But you only get it after animation ends, so be careful!

Kill your opponents who are trying to collect all the sparkles or dance with them to share the reward. It should be fun both ways!

How about trying other maps?

If you are tired of regular Kill to Grow try it on another map! The game feels completely different on Castillo or King's Row.

I adapted EXP orbs and other effects to the rest of the maps in this update. Please note that all balance changes were made for Workshop Expanse and do not make any sense anywhere else.

Let me know which map is the most fun to play!

Warning! If you grow big enough, you won't be able to walk through some doorways. If you are trapped inside a small room, just hold down Ctrl + Interact (F) to fold back one level and become smaller. This only works for players above level 5.

Who let the Hogs Out

Nobody asked for this but I made Roadhog a playable hero in this update. He becomes weaker for a couple of seconds after each use of Chain Hook. But the hook has a faster cooldown and the ammo is doubled. This should reduce the number of one-shots.

I also made a lot of balance fixes.

These heroes are now more effective:
Moira, Torbjörn, Pharah, Doomfist, Orisa, D.Va, Widowmaker, McCree

And these heroes have been fixed:
Echo, Soldier 76, Mei, Mercy

Trash can for trash heroes

Do you know this situation when you get Zarya and just wait until someone kills you because you don't want to play that character? We all have a couple of heroes we'd like to skip.
So I've added a Trash Can to save your time and make the game more fun!

Press Q + E to remove your current hero and never play it again in this match.

You can remove up to 7 different heroes.
Other players will still be able to play these characters.
Note that you can only remove a hero before reaching level 3.

More EXP for free!

Players like to get free EXP. And there are many custom games with an increased number of EXP orbs modified by Splaterchese. So I decided to add some of this to the game.

  • +5 EXP orbs spawn more often now
  • added quite rare +10 EXP orbs

These changes should give hope to small players and make the game more dynamic.

Make Baby D.Va small again

Update 1.09 is completely focused on nerfing the most broken heroes:

  • D.Va (harder to return to mech now)
  • Ashe (needs more skill to get Ultimate)
  • McCree (needs more skill to get Ultimate)
  • Echo (less broken during duplication)

These changes should allow other heroes to live longer and fulfill their potential.

Peaceful Giants

Many players enjoy being giants and feeling like the master of the game. But small players are demotivated by too large enemies who kill them with one hit.
So I decided to test the new Peaceful Giants mechanic in the update 1.08

The player wins after reaching level 20. But the game doesn't stop. The winner will become a peaceful giant.
He cannot attack anyone until someone hits him first. If the giant does not receive damage within 5 seconds, it becomes peaceful again. A green outline around a giant means it is peaceful.

You can change the level of becoming a Peaceful Giant in the game settings.

The following heroes have become more effective in the new update:

  • Reinhardt (increased survivability)
  • Bastion (increased survivability)
  • Lúcio (increased movement speed / finally working Ultimate)
  • Torbjörn (faster cooldown for Overload / faster Ultimate charging)
  • Sigma (faster cooldown for Kinetic Grasp)
  • Hanzo (faster cooldowns for Storm Arrows and Lunge)
  • Tracer (faster Ultimate charging)
  • Genji (faster cooldown for Deflect)
  • Moira (faster cooldown for Biotic Orb)
  • Wrecking Ball (faster cooldown for Grappling Claw)
  • Doomfist (fewer restrictions for Rocket Punch after growing up)
almost 4 years ago
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