
A Fast paced Lucio gamemode.

The round starts after 8 seconds. After that 1 person becomes it. Any form of damage counts as a tag, tagging someone makes them also it. {You can't shoot}

Seekers lose when the time runs out. {They also glow}
Runners lose when everyone is infected.

Wall Ride Energy

This is your wall riding resource.
If this energy runs out you will get hacked & slowed for a moment.

Your Ult Makes you move at 900% speed {3s, after it becomes 200% for 1s} until you touch the ground

Random Events

This game has randomly chosen events that change how it is played.

These events are shown here.

Event Effect
Low Gravity Decreases gravity by 30% for all players
High Gravity Increases gravity by 20% for all players
Small Decreases everyones size by 50%
Hit = Death If the seekers tag someone or the seeker is hit. They will die.
No Hiding Everyone's positions are always visible to the seekers
Fast Ult Charge makes your ult charge faster
Random Displacement Most maps have a set location in an area you normally cannot get to. Otherwise it picks a random spot on the map.
Crown Has multiple starting Crowns, these Crowns are instead need to run, tagging a Crown makes you a Crown instead. you win by having the Crown.

Workshop settings:

  • Toggle all modifiers
  • What modifiers are in use
  • Modifier Chance
  • Gamemode {Allows a permanent modifier throughout the game}
  • If the game auto starts
  • If afks are auto kicked

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