
Update Log for COD: Infected | Version 1.1.1 (12)

almost 4 years ago

Buffed Junkrat, he was garb

almost 4 years ago

No longer gains points while not choosing heros

Players who have not chosen a hero will not slow down the game

Genjis can leave without breaking the game

Junkrat added

almost 4 years ago

Now supports the game being in queue

If all "infected" players leave, it will randomly select a new one so watch out!

almost 4 years ago

Buffed Pharah, she was garb

almost 4 years ago

Added Mercy

General balance changes

almost 4 years ago

Scoring system updated to make more close and intense games.

One point every ten seconds for the "non-infected," and two points per kill for the "infected."

almost 4 years ago

Fixed even more bugs!

There might be more, but I cannot find them :/

Should now support people leaving and joining

almost 4 years ago

Added Phara and Reinhardt. Fixed more general bugs

almost 4 years ago

I can no longer find bugs (at the moment)
Please comment any you have found

Non-infected players now get 1 point every 5 seconds and infected players get a point per kill

almost 4 years ago

Most bugs have been patched out, searching for more. I am also currently looking for a scoring system.

almost 4 years ago

General bug fixes

almost 4 years ago
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