
Update Log for Quidditch 6v6 (9)

Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug where Keepers would lose the ability to hit the Quaffle away after catching it... again.

Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug where Keepers could not throw the Quaffle after catching it.

Medium and Short goals on both sides have switched places. They are now accurate to the books/films.

Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug where pressing R1 rather than L2 on controllers would activate sprinting.

New Features:
Captain Switching -
By default, when a match starts, the Team Captains are the 2 Keepers. Now however, the Captain can access the new Captain's Menu, allowing them to either select a new Captain or request to end the game. To access the Captain's Menu:
On PC: Hold Reload (R by default) and Interact (F by default) for 1s
On Controller: Hold Ultimate (Triangle by default) and Reload (Square by default) for 1s

Once in the Captain's Menu, players can press Primary Fire (M1 on PC or R2 on Controller) to select their new Team Captain (the player they are looking at) or they can press Secondary Fire (M2 on PC or L2 on Controller) to exit the Menu. While in the Menu, you can also hold Reload (R on PC or Square on Controller) for 3s to request to end the game. If the other Captain accepts, they will do the same and the game will end immediately.

New Snitch Shine Custom Game Setting available under the Visibility tab.

Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug where the Quaffle would be lost if the player holding it left the match.
Fixed a bug where Bludgers would act incorrectly if their targets left the match.

Increased Minimum, Default and Maximum Bludger knockback in the Custom Game Settings.

New Features:
Role Hierarchy -
When a player leaves the match, depending on which role they were playing, their team could be put at a huge disavantage. To help lessen the blow of losing a teammate, roles will be reevaluated when a player leaves the match, according to the Role Hierarchy. When a team is down a player, one of the players from the less important categories will be moved into the role of the leaver.

The hierarchy is as such:
Priority 1: Seeker
Priority 2: Keeper
Priority 3: Chaser
Priority 4: Beater

If a player from Priorities 1-3 leaves the match while there are still players in the Priority 4 role (Beater), one of the Beaters will be chosen at random to fill the role that has been vacated. For example, if the Seeker leaves, one of the Beaters will take their place.

If your Seeker leaves after you've already had several leavers, such that you have no Beaters left, one of the Chasers will fill the role, etc etc.

The only exception to this rule is that a Beater will only fill the Chaser role if both of the team's Chaser's have left. So if a single Chaser leaves a full team, roles will not be reevaluated.

Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug where Snitch speed would not be adjusted correctly during a cancelled dodging manoeuvre.

New Features:
Keepers can now melee the Quaffle away without needing to catch it first.

Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug where Keepers were able to move past the centre line of the pitch.
Fixed a bug where Role Icons would not change colour to show which player currently has the Quaffle.

New Features:
Players will now see an indicator towards the current Quaffle Holder when the QH is not in their field of view.

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