
Update Log for Tag - You're Dead (Official) (21)


  • Runner Pharah damage increased by 20%
  • Runner Zarya knockback secondary fire reduced by 150%
  • Reduced base aura damage but increased the damage increasements

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed runner Orisa damage
  • Removed Winston's alternate fire
  • Buffed Doomfist's HP
  • Buffed D.Va's HP
  • Buffed Roadhog's HP
  • Buffed Reinhardt's HP
  • Added back a 2% increase in speed for Runners
  • Fixed Zarya HP


  • Runner Cassidy speed reduced by 1%
  • Runner Moira fade cooldown increased by 10%
  • Runner Ramattra speed reduced by 1%
  • Runner Zarya's speed reduced by 2%
  • Runner Sojourn's damage reduced by 25%
  • Runner Orisa speed reduced by 2%
  • Runner Doomfist rocket punch cooldown increased by 25%
  • Runner Brigitte speed reduced by 2%
  • Runner Brigitte speed whiplash 10% less knockback
  • Runner Brigitte shield bash cooldown increased by 20%

Updated for Overwatch 2

Hero changes:
-D.Va runner hp decreased from 15% to 14%
-D.Va chaser hp decreased from 116% to 114%
-Doomfist runner hp decreased from 40% to 22%
-Doomfist chaser hp decreased from 280% to 144%
-Doomfist chaser speed reduced from 79% to 78%
-Doomfist rocket punch cooldown increased from 130% to 140%
-Doomfist powerblock enabled for chasers
-Doomfist seismic slam cooldown reduced from 225% to 200%
-Orisa runner hp decreased from 30% to 25%
-Orisa chaser hp decreased from 160% to 130%
-Orisa javelin enabled for runners
-Orisa chaser speed increased from 96% to 97%
-Orisa javelin spin enabled for both, 140% cooldown
-Reinhard chaser hp decreased from 130% to 104%
-Reinhard runner hp decreased from 35% to 22%
-Reinhard chaser charge cooldown increased from 150% to 170%
-Roadhog chaser hp decreased from 117% to 100%
-Roadhog runner hp decreased from 18% to 15%
-Sigma chaser hp decreased from 175% to 140%
-Sigma runner hp decreased from 25% to 19%
-Winston chaser hp decreased from 140% to 138%
-Winston runner hp decreased from 20% to 19%
-Winston secondary fire disabled
-Wrecking ball chaser hp decreased from 117% to 100%
-Wrecking ball runner hp decreased from 16% to 14%
-Zarya chaser hp decreased from 175% to 148%
-Zarya runner hp decreased from 25% to 22%
-Zarya runner ultimate cost reduced
-Zarya shield cooldown increased from 90% to 96%
-Bastion tactical grenade enabled, increased knockback
-Bastion runner hp decreased from 50% to 33%
-Bastion ultimate duration increased and fast recharge, more dmg?
-Cassidy grenade disabled
-Cassidy runner speed increased from 135% to 137%
-Cassidy chaser speed increased from 90% to 91%
-Echo runner damage increased from 65% to 70%
-Mei ice wall cooldown time decreased from 110% to 90%
-Soldier 76 runner damage decreased from 78% to 75%
-Soldier 76 runner speed increased from 99% to 106%
-Soldier 76 chaser speed increased from 68% to 72%
-Sombra hack cooldown increased from 300% to 500% (100%)
-Sombra runner ultimate cost increased
-Widowmaker chaser hp reduced from 350% to 300%
-Widowmaker runner hp reduced from 55% to 50%
-Ana sleep dart cooldown reduced from 90% to 72%
-Baptiste runner regen burst cooldown increased from 15% to 30%
-Brigitte shield bash cooldown increased from 65% to 118%
-Brigitte shield bash knockback reduced from 150% to 90%
-Mercy runner speed reduced from 136% to 132%

Junker Queen:
138% speed
27% hp
Commanding shout (16 sec cd)
Jagged blade (more cd)
Ultimate (quick charge)

116% speed
50% hp
Power slide (same cd)
Disruptor shot (same cd)
Only allowed secondary fire (50% damage)
Ultimate (slow charge)

120% speed
50% hp
Swift step (500% cd)
Protection suzu (same cd)
Ultimate (medium charge)

33% hp
Nemesis Form (same cd)
Block (same cd)
Ravenous vortex (75% cd)
Ultimate (fast charge)

Other changes have been made but have not been documented.

almost 2 years ago

Hero changes:
-Runner junkrat damage reduced by 2%
-Chaser sigma movement speed increased by 1%

Game changes:
-Damage dealt by runners now scales with number of players (more people > deal less dmg)
-Fixed a bug that occured when a player joined while game was in progress

Hero Changes:
-Echo Flight cooldown increased by 50%
-Chaser Reaper Shadowstep cooldown increased by 200%

-Sombra can now properly freeze chasers with ultimate

Game changes:
-Aura damage increase per second increased by 0.15
-Chaser penalty to speed by winning reduced by 1%
-Fixed bug where chaser reaper couldn't use shadowstep

Hero changes:
-Runner Moira speed reduced by 1%
-Runner Wrecking ball speed reduced by 1%
-Runner Reinhardt damaged reduced by 5%
-Runner Mercy speed reduced by 2%
-Chaser Mercy speed increased by 1%
-Chaser Lucio speed increased by 4%
-Chaser Sigma accretion gravity, speed and cooldown massively reduced.

Game changes:
-Minigame while waiting for players allows you to change to heroes you kill
-Reduced the time needed to enter/exit third person
-Added map size speed values for chasers

Game changes:
-Aura damage increase per second increased by 33%

Hero changes:
-Chaser Brigitte whip shot disabled
-Chaser Doomfist movement speed reduced by 1%
-Runner Symmetra movement speed reduced by 2%
-Runner Zenyatta movement speed reduced by 1%
-Runner Torbjörn health reduced by 20%
-Runner Torbjörn invulnerability increased by 0.5 seconds
-Moira fade cooldown increased by 15%

Hero Changes:
-Runner and Chaser Moira Fade cooldown increased by 16%
-Chaser Ana movement speed reduced by 1%
-Chaser Ana sleep cooldown time increased by 10%

Game Changes:
-Aura damage increase amount per second increased by 50%
-Orisa anti-cheat improvements

Hero changes:
-Chaser Reinhard firestrike removed, charge cooldown reduced by 25%.
-Chaser Genji speed reduced by 2%
-Chaser Sombra speed reduced by 1%
-Chaser Wrecking Ball grapple cooldown increased by 50%
-Chaser Echo speed reduced by 2%
-Runner Echo speed reduced by 2%
-Chaser Cassidy speed reduced by 2%
-Runner Cassidy speed reduced by 2%
-Runner Bastion speed increased by 1%
-Runner Junkrat damage reduced by 5%
-Runner D.Va damage increased by 4%
-Runner Tracer damage increased by 8%
-Chaser Lucio soundwave knockback reduced to 0%

Game changes:
-Fixed bugs
-Added minigame while waiting for players

Game changes:
-Fixed a VERY prominent and unnoticed bug that caused aura to deal 3x the damage.
-Fixed typos.
-Aura visual indicator increased in size
-Change max runner-to-chaser ratio from 3v1 to 4v1.

-Chaser aura now creates a pillar of rings instead of a sphere
-Chaser aura now only checks for the distance in X and Z coordinates
-Added aura explanation for chasers in HUD
-Increased power generation
-Increased anti camping damage on Nepal Village map
-Performance improvements

Hero changes:
-Runner Reinhard charge cooldown increased when flying
-Runner Bastion speed increased by 1%
-Runner Zenyatta speed reduced by 1%
-Runner Sombra speed increased by 1%
-Runner Baptiste damage increased by 2%
-Runner Hanzo damage decreased by 1%
-Chaser Sombra translocater cooldown increased by 50%
-Chaser Lucio speed reduced by 4%
-Orisa Halt cooldown reduced by 10%
-Orisa Fortify cooldown increased by 20%
-Genji Deflect cooldown increased by 5%
-Brigitte shield bash knockback increased by 50%

Game Changes:
-Anti cheat for Orisa's orb implemented
-Solo chaser speed reduced by 2%
-Multi chasers speed reduced by 1%
-Chaser aura increases in damage 50% faster but grants 15% more speed boost to runners
-Chaser aura no longer triggers when charging as Reinhard
-Removed HUD message about cancelling non-existent menues

Hero Changes:
-Chaser Hanzo Sonic Arrow Cooldown increased by 3 seconds
-Runner Zenyatta Healing reduced by 25%
-Runner Reinhard now has charge cooldown set to the time spent charging
-Runner Reinhard damage taken while charging reduced by 10%

General changes:
-Removed intro sequences

Hero update:
-Reduced the cooldown of Soldier: 76s biotic field from 75 to 45.

-Added mode title and official code snippet EPCKC
-General update

almost 3 years ago

Hero Changes:
-Echo flight cooldown increased by 3 seconds

Game Changes:
-Added team ratios (there will now never be more than 1 chaser if there are 2 or fewer runners).
-Fixed chasers damaging runners on the same height level
-Remade Lucios wallride anticheat to teleport to the ground and hack
-Remade Wrecking Balls hanging anticheat to teleport to the ground and freeze
-Minor bug fixes

almost 3 years ago

Hero Changes:
-Runner Sombra speed reduced by 2%
-Runner Reinhardt charge cooldown reduced by 2 seconds
-Runner Winston's Ultimate generation reduced by 6%
-Chaser Mercy speed increased by 1%
-Chaser Echo speed decreased by 2%

Game Changes:
-Beginner speed boost increased to 120%
-Autobalance speed reduction of runners winning increased by 1%

almost 3 years ago

Hero Changes:
-Orisa Halt Cooldown increased by 2 seconds.
-Runner Sombra's Speed decreased by 2%
-Runner Baptise's Speed increased by 1%
-Runner McCree's Speed increased by 3%
-Chaser McCree's Speed increased by 1%

Hero Changes:
-Reduced runner widowmaker speed 2% and ultimate jump height by 4%
-Made symmetra ult grant unkillable for short duration and increase rate at which teleporter refreshes cooldown
-Reduced runner Hanzo's damage by 5%
-Increased runner Dva's damage by 3%
-Reduced runner Orisa speed by 2%
-Increased runner Mccree flashbang cooldown by 25%
-Reduce the recovery time of charge by runner Reinhardt by 0.5 seconds

-Fixed reinhardt start of game speed glitch
-Reduce power generation rate
-Increased cooldown of widowmaker mine for chaser

almost 4 years ago
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