
Update Log for ⎣Every Hero is OP in a Different Way⎤ (12)

Its been a while since ive updated our site, prepare for another wall of text.


Balance Changes:
-Ana nade cooldown nerfed from 80% to 90%
-Zen ult charge nerfed from 300% to 150%
-Reaper now move twice as fast while ulting
-Junkrat speed buffed from 140% to 150%
-Bap ammo is now infinite
-Monke shield cooldown nerfed from 50% to 65%
-Torb can now summon a bastion to shoot forward
-Doom punch cooldown nerfed from 50% to 60%, but now resets upon getting a kill
-Reaper now tags enemies he moves through during his shift, at the end of the ability all tagged enemies are damaged
-Mccree damage multiplier now only goes away upon death but scales half as fast
-Mccree's interact no longer fires a bullet or requires ammo
-Bap damaged nerfed from 100% to 80%

General Changes:
-The game is now 5v5
-Tips are no longer toggleable
-Countless fixes and optimizaions
-You can no longer fire in spawn during skirmishes

Hamster Rework:
-HP massively increased to 2100
-Hamster now has 3 rings around him which all do damage to nearby enemies
-Hamser Nuke (Primary Fire) knocks enemies a large distance backwards
-Orbital Strike (Shift) repeatedly strikes the location at your cursor when held, cannot be repositioned
-Various stat changes

Hanzo Rework:
-Spatial Imposion (Interact) causes your next arrow to mark its target, after a short time it will implode, teleporting nearby enemies to the marked targeted and dealing damage
-Warp (Melee) teleports enemies a short distance in the direction hanzo is looking
-Wormhole Arrow (Shift) creates a wormhole at hanzo's location and another where the arrow lands, wormholes can be entered by crouching
-Instant Arrow Barrage (E) each arrow teleports you to somewhere near the target and then aims at their head
-Spacetime Rift (Ultimate) creates a zone which repeatedly teleports enemies inside it around at random.
-Teleport (Secondary Fire) teleports hanzo in the direction he is facing.
-Arrows are hitscan but deal 75% damage
-Various stat changes

Monke Rework:
-Monke jump low cooldown but no go far!
-Monke grab (Secondary Fire) monke grab enemy then throw them away!
-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (Ultimate) monke yell very loud, make team big, give them shield and regen, cool lighning effect!!!
-Monke punch (Interact) monke hold interact to charge big punch!
-Monke stll has funny bubble and punches instead of shooting

Mei Rework:
-Chain Freeze (Passive) killing a frozen enemy will cause them to shatter, dealing damage and freezing nearby enemies
-Cryomine (Interact) place a mine on the ground a short distance in the direction mei is looking, an enemy stepping near it will cause it to trigger, launching them in the air and freezing them
-Meisplosion (Shift) exiting your shift will freeze and knockback nearby enemies
-Blizzard (Ultimate) icicles will constantly appear in the radius of your ult, doing large amounts of damage

Dva Rework:
-Dva starts out of mech, but gains it quickly when attacking.
-While in mech dva takes damage that slowly increases the longer your in mech
-Health increased to 150%
-Lifeforce Drain (RMB) if enemeis are healed near you, you will be healed instead

Moira Rework:
-Auto Biotic Orbs (Passive) two of moira's orbs always hover around her, one healing and one damage which heal and damage other players respectively
-Orb of Destruction/Regeneration (E/Interact) explodes one orb depending on the button pressed, the explosion will either do a large amount of healing or a large amount of damage
-Coalescence Ultima (Ultimate) each of you orbs will shoot a weaker beam alongside the main one
-Moira can no longer turn during fade but it is much faster

Lucio Rework:
-Rhythm Mastery (Passive) both healing and speed boost are always active
-Momentum (Passive) healing, damage, and knockback scale with speed
-Cant Stop, Wont Stop (Interact) can only be used when lucio has a status that stops his motion, cures said status and inflicts it to enemies around him

Sym Rework:
-Area Denial (Shift) creats an orb a short distance in the direction sym is looking, once 2 are placed a beam connects them that knockbacks, damages, and stuns enemies. Attempting to place a thrid will destroy both
-Defensive Zone (Interact) creates a zone that heales allies and gives them shields, unlimted duration but pressing interact again will destroy it
-Secondary fire will now stay in place

Havent updated this site in a while so prepare for a wall of text

Balance Changes:
-Mercy only heals with holy light when she has her staff equipped
-Reaper can now self ressurect without being bugged when dying enviormentally
-Anna projectile speed nerf 500% -> 200%
-Anna sleep dart cooldown nerf 85% -> 95%
-Anna new move (Interact - Nano Jump): TLDR a large vertical jump
-Teabagging a sleeping enemy enough times as Anna will do massive damage to them
-Mccree damage nerf 135% -> 130%
-Getting a headshot as mcree adds 0.2 to his damage multipler, this effect can stack, and goes away when hitting a body shot.
-Zen ult charge nerf 350% -> 300%
-Orisa self destruct damage buff 400 -> 800
-Bastion's gravity bullets pull much harder than before
-Sugma primary projectile speed nerf 500% -> 65%
-Sugma primary projectile gravfity nerf 0% -> 500%
-Sugma damage buff 80% -> 110%
-Lucio speed buff 120% -> 130%
-Moira gains energy when healing instead of losing it
-Moira energy gain rate heavily reduced
-Ashe nuke burn duration nerf 50s -> 20s
-Ashe nuke start up time nerf 1.5s -> 2s
-Ashe sleep time after nuke nerf 3s -> 5s
-Pharah self damage massively reduced
-Reaper damage nerf 110% -> 105%

Zarya Rework:
-Damage buff 65% -> 90%
-Ammo buff 25% -> 100%
-Instead of freezing, damage dealt will now partially tranfer over to a nearby enemy
-Zarya move speed buff 85% -> 95%
-Barrier multiplier buff 1.0x -> 1.5x

Dva Rework:
-Health nerf 200% -> 150%
-Damge buff 60% -> 85%
-New Move (Interact - Isolation field): places down an AoE that makes everyone inside of it invisible
-Dva now explodes after canceling FTL boosters
-Micro misseles are no longer infinite, but have a set 50% cooldown and 200% projectile speed

Soldier Rewok (Yes another rework)
-Primary fire (Railgun - Charged): A slow firering but high range, high damage shot. Has recoil and can do self damage
-Secondary fire (Railgun - Rapid): A much faster, weaker, and shoter range verion of primary fire. No self damage or recoil
-Being inside biotic field will now slow you but increase damage
-Pressing interact will now toggle on and off something we have lazily dubbed "swag mode". While this mode is on, soldier's aim speed is drastically reduced, but his damage is heavily increased. This effect stacks with biotic field's.

Soldier's new primary and secondary fire have their own seperate code. If you want to check just it out, go to

1.7 Changlogs:

Long Awaited Soldier Rework!

-Instead of a killstreak, or a soldier in general, he is now a mage from D&D.
-His Mana Bar is used when casting spells, and he can charge it by holding Interact. However, he can't move when charging his Mana.
-His Primary is now Magic Missile, a low-damage, low-cost homing projectile.
-His E is now Mass Healing Word, which costs half his mana but heals him and all teammates he can see for 50 Health.
-His Secondary is his most powerful attack, Fireball. This shoots a slow-moving projectile that creates a massive, burning explosion, at the cost of all of Soldier's mana.
-His Ultimate gives him unlimited mana for a shot time.

Mercy Changes:
-Holy Light now rains down around people that mercy is healing
-Reduced the amount of variation with Holy Resurrect (less range but more consistent)
-You can only heal from Holy Light attacks if you have your staff equiped
-Damage nerfed from 105% to 100%

Moira Nerfs:
-Orb healing reduced from 100% to 70%
-Orb damage reduced from 100% to 70%

Reaper Nerf:
-Move speed reduced from 110% to 101%

Sombra Buff:
-Hack now disables enemy huds and prevents them from healing

1.6 Changlogs:

New Zenyatta Ability (LMB - Foot of Discord)
-Teleports Zenyatta to the cursor, almost no cooldown, spam till your heart's content .

Pharah Balance Changes
-Spread Shot damage buffed from 30 per rocket to 40 per rocket.
-Healing recieved nerfed from 100% to 85%
-Damage nerfed from 105% to 100%

Widow now has a UI to show when Time Bubble is active.

New Reaper Passive:
-Damage dealt to full health targets is increased by 75%

1.5 Changelogs

Lucio Minor Rework:
-Instead of only being able to attack when the bar is full, lucio instead does massively reduced damage when it isnt.
-Speed increased from 115% to 120%
-Healing received decreased from 100% to 95%
-Boop damage increased from 88 to 90
-Boop cooldown increased from 20% to 30%
-Got rid of the 25+ "not lucio" ongoing rules that were probably contributing to game crashes

Genji Ability Buff (Interact - Smoke Bomb):
-Genji now faces the nearest enemy after using smoke bomb

Pharah New Ability (RMB - Spread Shot):
-Shoots a spead of 2, weak rockets

1.4 Changelogs:

Moira Rework:
-New Passive (Energy Transfer): Moira gains a new resource called energy when attacking, and consumes it when healing. Moira also drains ult charge when attacking, and gives it when healing.
-New Passive (Energy Transmutation): Moira's abilities have no cooldown but take energy to use (20 for shift and E)
-New Ability (Interact - Nullity Discharge): Requires 75 energy. Clears nearby teammates of debuffs and stat changes.
-New Ultimate (Q - Omni Discharge): Uses all of Moira's energy in 1 massive explosion. Damage scales with energy.

1.3 Changelogs:

New Mercy Ability (Interact - Smite):
-Strikes the location of your cursor with holy light
-heals you for damage dealt

Mercy Balance Change (stats):
-Ammo decreased from Infinite to 50

Hanzo Balance Change (stats):
-Damage increased from 60% to 65%

Roadhog Balance Change (Q - Shrink)
-Decreases size by a smaller amount

1.2 Changelogs:

Reworked Mercy Ability (E - Holy Resurect):
-Holy Light rains down around mercy while she is using resurrect
-Mercy Will be healed for any damage dealt with holy light

New Tracer Passive (Chain Reaction):
-Enemies killed by Tracer will explode, dealing damage to other nearby enemies. This effect can trigger itself.

New Junkrat Passive (Spite):
-Upon death junkrat will do ~50 damage to the nearest enemy.

Ashe Balance Change (Q - Nuke Manifest):
-Charges Much Faster
-Ashe briefly falls asleep after use

1.1 Changelogs:

-New Genji Ability (Interact - Smoke Bomb): Teleports Genji to a random neaby location
-New Ashe Ultimate (Q - Nuke Manifest): Tranforms ashe's next explosion into a nuke, which locks ashe in place for a second on use, and the creates a massive barrier ignoring explosion if ashe is still alive.
-Updated most tutorials
-General optimization



-New Bastion Ability (Interact - Gravity Bullets): For its duration, Bastion's bullets will pull enemies towards him, but do reduced damage.

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