
This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Allow Players Who Are In Queue: Yes
Match Voice Chat: Enabled
Swap Teams After Match: No
Competitive Rules: On
disabled Deathmatch
Game Length In Minutes: 15
Score To Win: 50
Competitive Rules: On
Competitive Rules: On
Competitive Rules: On
Game Mode Start: Immediately
Limit Roles: 1 Tank 2 Offense 2 Support
Spawn Health Packs: Enabled
variables {
0: A
1: B
0: A
1: B
2: C
disabled rule ("Global") {
event {
Ongoing - Global;

rule ("Global Variable Initialization") {
event {
Ongoing - Global;
actions {
Set Global Variable(A, 0);
Set Global Variable(B, 120);

rule ("Increase counter") {
event {
Ongoing - Global;
actions {
Chase Global Variable At Rate(A, 180, 1, Destination and Rate);

disabled rule ("Player") {
event {
Ongoing - Global;

rule ("Player Variable Intialization") {
event {
Ongoing - Each Player;
conditions {
Global.A >= Global.B;
actions {
Set Player Variable(Event Player, A, False);
Set Player Variable(Event Player, B, Null);
Set Player Variable(Event Player, C, Empty Array);

rule ("Aimbot Toggle On/Off") {
event {
Ongoing - Each Player;
conditions {
Is Button Held(Event Player, Button(Interact)) == True;
Global.A >= Global.B;
actions {
Skip If(Compare((Event Player).A, ==, True), 2);
Set Player Variable(Event Player, A, True);
Set Player Variable(Event Player, A, False);
Set Player Variable(Event Player, B, Null);
Stop Facing(Event Player);

rule ("Aimbot") {
event {
Ongoing - Each Player;
conditions {
Global.A >= Global.B;
actions {
Skip If(Compare((Event Player).A, ==, False), 14);
Skip If(And(And(Compare((Event Player).B, !=, Null), Is Alive((Event Player).B)), Is In Line of Sight(Eye Position(Event Player), (Event Player).B, Barriers Do Not Block LOS)), 13);
Set Player Variable(Event Player, C, Filtered Array(All Players(Opposite Team Of(Team Of(Event Player))), And(Is Alive(Current Array Element), Is In Line of Sight(Eye Position(Event Player), Eye Position(Current Array Element), Barriers Do Not Block LOS))));
Skip If(And(Compare((Event Player).B, !=, Null), Array Contains((Event Player).C, (Event Player).B)), 11);
Skip If(Compare(Count Of((Event Player).C), >, 0), 3);
Stop Facing(Event Player);
Wait(0.016, Ignore Condition);
Set Player Variable(Event Player, B, Null);
Skip If(Compare(Count Of((Event Player).C), <=, 0), 6);
Set Player Variable(Event Player, C, Sorted Array((Event Player).C, Multiply(-1, Dot Product(Facing Direction Of(Event Player), Direction Towards(Eye Position(Event Player), Eye Position(Current Array Element))))));
Set Player Variable(Event Player, B, First Of((Event Player).C));
Wait(0.016, Ignore Condition);
Skip If(And(And(Compare((Event Player).B, !=, Null), Is Alive((Event Player).B)), Is In Line of Sight(Eye Position(Event Player), Eye Position((Event Player).B), Barriers Do Not Block LOS)), 1);
Start Facing(Event Player, Direction Towards(Add(Event Player, Subtract(Eye Position(Event Player), Event Player)), Add(Add(Add((Event Player).B, Subtract(Eye Position((Event Player).B), (Event Player).B)), Multiply(Vector(Speed Of In Direction((Event Player).B, Left), Speed Of In Direction((Event Player).B, Up), Speed Of In Direction((Event Player).B, Forward)), 0.025)), Multiply(Vector(Speed Of In Direction(Event Player, Left), Speed Of In Direction(Event Player, Up), Speed Of In Direction(Event Player, Forward)), -0.025))), 10000, To World, Direction and Turn Rate);
Wait(0, Ignore Condition);

rule ("Stop if enemy doesnt exist") {
event {
Ongoing - Each Player;
conditions {
(Event Player).B != Null;
Entity Exists((Event Player).B) == False;
Global.A >= Global.B;
actions {
Stop Facing(Event Player);
Set Player Variable(Event Player, B, Null);

rule ("Stop if enemy dead") {
event {
Ongoing - Each Player;
conditions {
(Event Player).B != Null;
Is Dead((Event Player).B) == True;
Global.A >= Global.B;
actions {
Stop Facing(Event Player);
Set Player Variable(Event Player, B, Null);

rule ("Stop if exit line of sight") {
event {
Ongoing - Each Player;
conditions {
(Event Player).B != Null;
Is In Line of Sight(Eye Position(Event Player), Eye Position((Event Player).B), Barriers Do Not Block LOS) == False;
Global.A >= Global.B;
actions {
Stop Facing(Event Player);
Set Player Variable(Event Player, B, Null);

rule ("Stop if enemy is Null") {
event {
Ongoing - Each Player;
conditions {
(Event Player).B == Null;
Global.A >= Global.B;
actions {
Stop Facing(Event Player);

rule ("Display Aimbot On") {
event {
Ongoing - Each Player;
conditions {
(Event Player).A == True;
Global.A >= Global.B;
actions {
Destroy All HUD Text;
Create HUD Text(All Players(All Teams), Custom String("Aimbot: Enabled", Null, Null, Null), Null, Null, Left, 0, Color(Lime Green), Color(White), Color(White), Visible To and String, Default Visibility);

rule ("Display Aimbot Off") {
event {
Ongoing - Each Player;
conditions {
(Event Player).A == False;
Global.A >= Global.B;
actions {
Destroy All HUD Text;
Create HUD Text(All Players(All Teams), Custom String("Aimbot: Disabled", Null, Null, Null), Null, Null, Left, 0, Color(Red), Color(White), Color(White), Visible To and String, Default Visibility);

Players | 1 - 10
Categories: Scrims
Heroes:, Junker Queen, Orisa, Ramattra, Reinhardt, and 31 more...
Maps: Circuit Royal, Dorado, Havana, Junkertown, Rialto, and 10 more...
Created at:
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