
Update Log for 💣 Symmetra Minefields (31)

General changes

  • Fixed a bug that new Symmetra player entering the game after game has started will have default damage.

New maps

  • Ilios Lighthouse
  • Ilios Well

General update

  • The Symmetra bots now shows the owner in the tab scoreboard.
  • Adjusted turret damage in response to today's patch notes, Time to kill is the same as before.
  • Fixed a bug that main sym also uses turret when using sym bot's turret. However this means main Sym won't be able to do a fancy turret usage animation anymore.


  • Re-added Nepal Village, Oasis Gardens, and Illios Ruins
  • Re-added all event variant maps
  • Added Hollywood night variant

Added Route 66 to the map pool.


  • Readded Necropolis and Temple of Anubis
  • Removed all maps that are a variant of control maps. There's a bug detecting those maps


  • Disabled Symmetra for Minesweeper. There's a bug with Symmetra in Minesweeper that will use Symmetra Team's stats instead.

General update

  • Fixed "Invalid map" issue.
  • Temporarily disabled event map variants due to a bug detecting current map
  • Temporarily disabled Illos Ruins, Necropolis, and Temple of Anubis until they are back in OW2 maps.

Hero Changes

  • Added Kiriko, Junkerqueen, and Sojourn
  • Reaper, Doomfist, and Winston no longer do 500% damage
  • Enabled Orisa's Energy Javelin

Known Issue

  • Bastion's Tactical Grenade isn't being disabled.

New maps

  • Oasis Gardens (3 arenas)
  • Necropolis (3 arenas)

New arenas

  • Petra
  • Malevento

Added Malevento to the map pool.

Enabled queuing players to join the lobby.

General update

  • Removed Blitz Mode

It was unbalanced in general, so I have decided to remove it, but in exchange we'll have greater customisation.

Customisation updates

Added settings to control...

  • How long Symmetra players have to set up turrets
  • How long Minesweeper players have to reach the destination
  • How many extra bots Symmetra players have (+3 turrets per bot)
almost 3 years ago
  • Fixed a bug that Minesweepers could see Symmetra's turret placed HUD.
  • Minesweepers now deal +50% damage
almost 3 years ago

New gamemode: Blitz mode

  • Want a game that is faster, more intense, and less waiting in between phases? Introducing Blitz Mode!
  • Symmetra only needs to set up 3 turrets, and only 30 seconds to set up.
  • Minesweeper only has 90 seconds to reach the destination, but has +25% movement speed.

Comments: Some players might get frustrated with the long waiting time for each round to end. Because Symmetra and Minesweeper Teams cannot do their things simultaneously, it is inevitable that there will be some waiting time. But Blitz Mode has been introduced to partially combat this issue. With less turrets, less set up time and less time to get to destination, overall the games should run faster. But to get the most fun, definitely use the Normal Mode (Blitz Mode turned off).

New Map

  • Volskaya Industries

Comments: Volskaya Industries will be the last non-KOTH map available, it has the interesting moving platform mechanics. It's risky to use but provides great shortcut for one of the arena set.

Reworked Map

  • Paris

Comments: Paris has been partially reworked because the start/end points in the mansion section are located in an awkward place. Now Paris has 1 less arena set, and some of the points have been slightly shifted.

General changes

  • Symmetra Team now sees "Minesweeper starts here" instead of a yellow down arrow
almost 3 years ago

Minesweeper team changes

  • Pharah/Junkrat/Sigma have been re-enabled
  • Zarya/Symmetra's secondary fire have been re-enabled
  • Health reduced to 100
  • Self damage has been enabled

Symmetra team changes

  • Turret damage reduced by 33%

Comments: The goal of this change is to allow Minesweepers to still be able to use the above-mentioned heroes that was previously disabled 2 patches ago. But heroes with splash damage weapons needed a nerf as splash damage is quite powerful in this game. As such, self damage will be enabled, so players will need to be careful with the weapon use. In addition, the overall HP has been reduced by 33% (150 to 100), while also lowering the Symmetra turret DPS by 33%. Hence, this does not affect the time to kill for all other heroes, but splash damage are now more impactful on your non-regenerating health.

almost 3 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the game gets stuck if a Minesweeper won but left the game before going to Assemble Heroes.
almost 3 years ago

General update

  • The game now supports 5 vs 5.
  • In Phase 2, Minesweepers will be outlined to the Symmetra players instead of having icons above them.

Symmetra Team updates

  • Thanks to Workshop extension, each Symmetra players now have 2 Symmetra Bots each.
  • Symmetra players can now place a total of 9 turrets (3 from the player, 6 from the bots).
  • Placing 3 turrets no longer switch to the next Symmetra bot, you now have to manually press interact to cycle through the bots.
  • Note that you still have only 1 minute to place your turrets.

Minesweeper Team updates

  • Health increased from 100 to 150 as there are now more turrets to deal with.
  • Disabled Junkrat, Pharah, Sigma.
  • Disabled Zarya and Symmetra's secondary fire.

Developer comments: Splash damage is very powerful here, from the playtest sessions that I have been doing, the meta seems to revolve around having all minesweepers using splash damage heroes like Pharah and Sigma. This goes against the intention of the game, which is to be careful of where you go. As such, I will be disabling Pharah, Sigma, and Junkrat as their splash damage is tied to their primary fire. I will also be disabling Zarya and Symmetra's secondary fire since they can use the splash damage as often. Abilities that do small AoE splash damage on cooldown are still fine and will be alllowed.

General Update

  • Added a progress bar to show destination capture progress for Minesweeper.
  • This will replace the old "3-2-1" small message countdown. Imgur

Added Kanezaka to the map pool. (3 arenas map)

New maps

  • Nepal Village (3 arenas map)
  • King's Row (5 arenas map)

New Arena

  • Blizzard World Arena 3 (At 2nd point of the map)

Changes to Minesweeper

  • Doomfist and Reaper now deal 500% damage, so they can destroy turrets much easier from a distance
  • Winston now deal 500% damage, so they can quickly destroy turret within range
  • Disabled Genji double jump
  • Disabled Pharah hover

General changes

  • Simplified the game instruction a bit, should be easier to understand now
  • A Down arrow icon now shows Minesweeper's starting place, instead of "Minesweeper starts here" in world text.
  • Disabled messages
  • The victim of a turret death will now be informed of the real killer.
  • Fixed a bug where Symmetra player doesn't switch to clone mode after placing 3 turrets in non-clone mode.
  • You will now only be notified of elimination earned when your Sym clone earned final blow.

General changes

  • Removed part of the code that reapplies phased out effect to Symmetra players who died. Since this bug has been patched.

Bug Fix

  • Fixed a bug where Symmetra Team could use quick melee.

If a player joined during Phase 2, the game rules will now only be shown in Phase 1 of the next round.

Bug fixes

These bugs just appeared out of no where, I have applied a temporary workaround for these bugs. Once Blizzard has fixed those issues, then the workaround fixes will be removed.

  • Fixed a bug where Symmetra clones will disappear from 2nd round onwards.

Heroes changes for Minesweeper Team

For this round of heroes changes, I wanted to add Lucio to the playable hero pool for Minesweeper, so all heroes can be played in Minesweeper team, but there will be some restrictions to him to prevent him from breaking the game.

I also want to take this opportunity to reinforce the types of abilities that are allowed in Minesweeper team, and to make it consistent on what abilities are allowed and what are not.
Abilities that do large AoE damage (More than 3m), provide horizontal movement, barriers, invulerability, 2nd chances, heals, and 3rd person view will not be allowed.
Abilities that do small AoE damage, pure vertical movement, or any other pure damaging abilities will be allowed. Vertical movement will be quite restricted as it can be powerful on some maps, so passive vertical movement like wall climb/wall ride will be disabled, but allowed as an ability.

  • Lucio: Now playable on Minesweeper team. Cannot wall ride, and is forced to be on Healing song.
  • Ashe: Disabled Coach Gun
  • Baptiste: Can no longer use Exo Boots
  • Echo: Enabled Sticky Bombs
  • Genji: Can no longer wall climb, but can still double jump
  • Hanzo: Can no longer wall climb
  • Mccree: Enabled Flashbang
  • Pharah: Rockets no longer deal knockback
  • Sigma: Accretion no longer deal knockback
  • Soldier 76: Enabled Helix Rocket
  • Tracer: Disabled Recall
  • All allowed AoE damaging abilities will be set to 10s cooldown.
  • All pure vertical movement abilities will be set to 10s cooldown.

Quality of life changes

  • Heroes no longer self-damage from their own attacks (e.g: Pharah Rocket).
  • Disabled player collision, so players cannot accidentally push others into getting zapped by turrets.
  • Symmetra players will now see a Down Arrow icon on top of Minesweepers during Phase 2.
  • If Symmetra bot got an elimination, the real Symmetra will now be informed of the elimination.
  • Fixed a bug where Symmetra no longer has Phased Out if they died from environmental death.

New map

  • Illos Ruins

General Update

  • Now supports 4 Symmetra vs 4 Minesweepers
  • Sym clone now crouch when you crouch, so your Sym clone can have fine placement that requires crouching.
  • All health pools have been set to 100 with shield/armour health removed. Heroes with base armour health no longer be able to resist more turret damage.
  • Turret now does 200dps, but still same time to kill a Minesweeper.
  • Merged arenas together! At the start of each round, the game randomly chooses an arena, then chooses 1 point for Start and 1 point for end in that arena.
  • Added a short delay for disabling Ability 1 button when using turret with clone activated, to prevent spamming turrets overwriting your own.

New Maps

  • Horizon Lunar Colony
  • Hanamura
  • Paris
  • Temple of Anubis

New Arenas

  • Chateau Guillard
  • Eichenwalde
almost 4 years ago

New maps

  • Castillo
  • Black Forest
    The new maps are smaller than the others, hence they will only have a list of 2 points. Both maps support 1 arena.

General changes

  • Updated workshop description
  • Updated Workshop Discord HUD
almost 4 years ago


  • Rewritten the introduction messages/game instructions to be more detailed.
  • Symmetra Clone is now automatically activated after using Turret ability 3 times while Clone is not active.
  • Moved the Dorado Waiting Point to a new location, the previous location is too glaring.

New Arena

  • Dorado Arena 2 - Uses the same section as Arena 1, but different points layout. More ways to play!
almost 4 years ago

New map

  • Hollywood - consists of 2 arenas, the game will choose 1 at random during play.

Hero changes

  • Mccree: No longer has access to fan the hammer.
    Due to a recent update on infinite ammo, Mccree will keep using fan the hammer without a way to stop it
  • Now spawns without mech, health adjusted to be the same as all other heroes (60HP)
    Having 2nd life and total 75 HP makes her objectively better than other heroes, this advantage has to be removed.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Minesweeper Team wins instantly when Phase 2 starts if there's a Minesweeper not yet spawned.
almost 4 years ago
  • Moved the Château Guillard's Waiting Point to a new location that is not slippery.
almost 4 years ago

General changes

  • Minesweepers now spawn in a Aqua-coloured Waiting Point, so they can't see the Symmetras setting up the turrets. They will then be teleported to the Orange-coloured Starting Point when Phase 2 starts.
  • Symmetra players can hold down the crouch button to slow down while on the ground, or stay afloat in the air, for fine tuning and placement of turrets.
  • All players now have infinite ammunition.
  • When Minesweepers are teleported to the Starting Point, they now have Phased Out instead of Invincibility. This means turrets will not target them while they are in the Starting Point. Phased Out will be removed once they stepped out of the Starting Point.


  • Removed Castillo and Necropolis as there is no place to set up Waiting Points.
  • Most maps have their list of points (where Starting and Finishing Points are chosen) changed.
  • Some maps now have more than 1 "arena". Arena refers to a set of points that the Starting and Finishing Points can be chosen. Starting and Finishing Points cannot be from different arenas. When the game is launched, if a map has more than 1 arena, a random one will be chosen.
  • As of this patch, Blizzard World, Petra, and Eichenwalde now support 2 sets of arenas.
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